Unknown Self

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I slammed myself on the floor and sighed heavily.

Today was extraordinary!

The food got cold so I persistently tried to prevent them for eating it but they munched like monsters! The food was gone in a second!


After all that ruckus they kept trying to tease me all day! Hyuga isn't doing it, but he kept making me angry! Is there even kind words that would come out of that guy's mouth? I'd be getting goosebumps!

I could barely stab them with my Namida no Suta!

I sighed once again but this time a wide smile formed into my face and I hid it with my hands,

'So fun.'

I thought

As I thought of the Namida no Suta, my head floated about how would the attack go. Red. Full of red ink, my hand would be so much stained.

My mind floated around and my eyes begun to droop as I fell to slumber.


I woke up late at night once again, the thing that kept awakening me every night, was a melancholy sound of flute. It made me cry before, now, still, the feeling of sadness doesn't fail to subdue me.

I peeked through my room and secured my isolation, as I train through the kitchen, I saw Hyosuke's hair outside, normally, as far as I've remembered, there should be no one to be awake at this time.

I got extremely curious.

It might be bad, but I silently followed him, trying to put my years of training into following him.

His katana was with him as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest as I followed him,

A red ink was splattered into my face as I saw a man, pale, stabbed through the heart and was losing his breath.

Got dropped before my eyes, and it was Hyosuke who had killed him.

But he was not the Hyosuke I had known, not the usual happy-go-lucky I knew, he was more... Intimidate, with eyes sharp and cold, like some empty vessel that moves on his own will.


He whispered as a unexpected wind blew and the other men who were there was instantly killed before my eyes.

It was scary, my knees were getting soft from all the blood that I saw, until Hyosuke saw me.

I gulped and bravely looked at him.

"What are you doing here?

Why are you awake, don't tell me you're one of them too?"

Asked by a ton of questions, I tried to run but my legs didn't cooperate with me, if I had ran, I would've been killed without hesitation, as that would only create suspiciousness, he wasn't himself.

I looked through the men who Hyosuke killed.

I recognized them easily, they were Taira- soldiers and my eyes blackened out.

What would they be doing in the middle of the night? Was the attack got leaked? No.

It was because they knew I'm the heir of the Three Sacred Treasures!

It was the worst day. (Destiny Ninja Sim Date)Where stories live. Discover now