Let's Go Back

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"Thank you."

I silently said as I sob, they looked shocked. Oh, how embarrassing, to be crying in front of men. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and I heard a slap so I quickly opened my eyes.

"What happened?"

 I asked because Hyousuke and Sohma was glaring at each other and everyone was avoiding my eyes.

"Hey... What happened?"


"Hahaha, they were embarrassed. They've never seen such a beautiful girl cry so pretty before."

 I blushed .Goyo exclaimed as he come up to me with a big open arms, but Benkei punched his stomach slightly, they pulled each other hair's, funny.


"Here, sit here."

Yoshitsune exclaimed as he pat the front of his horse.

"I've got your horse."

Hyuga suddenly popped out of nowhere got my horse in his hand and quickly gave it to me.

"Ride those."

He ordered me rudely as always.

"I see, you can ride those."

Yoshitsune smiled.

And we went back to the house.


I opened my eyes as Daisuke shook me up. He welcomed me with a smile and a hug, so I stood up and got ready for the day.

I've been constantly living into Yoshitsune's lot, I do feel shy sometimes, which is why I chose to do household chores everyday to pay their kindness, they seem to have liked my cooking too, but unfortunately, I don't say that I cooked it.

I am too embarrassed to say I've been practicing at night just for it so I constantly point out someone for their compliments.

It's very happy to be in here, but of course.

I looked down, I should still be guarded.

"Excuse me, I'll cook now."

The ladies also have been happy of me, I'm glad I was helping everyone, I'm glad I could fit in.

"Ah. I want the soup yesterday!"

A lady exclaimed.

"Hey, let her do what she wants! Sheesh, take a look at your body won't you?"

They all laughed so I joined along.

I've been also studying cooking everything I didn't know, It's a crime but I also practice at night.

"Oh, right. I heard they're eating together today, they said something about business or whatever."

They looked gloom as a lady spouted it.

"I bet they'll fight against the Taira clan."

One girl said worriedly, trying to brighten the mood.

"We should make the best energy-determined food then!"

I, determined said, they smiled and got back to their work, determined.

I took off my apron and got ready for dinner, since it seems like I will be joining them too, Hyousuke said.

About my wounds and sickness, they healed up completely, me resting for a day was actually enough for the medicines Daisuke gave were very effective.

One by one everyone came in and sat quietly waiting for everyone, but everyone still seems tense with me in here and their atmosphere was gloom.

Daisuke came in and hugged me as he sat next to me, I don't know why but some glared at Daisuke and some stared, Daisuke didn't mind and was all smile though he kept getting closer to me. The mood became more tenser.

As the food almost got cold everyone was already gathered, Goyo's enthusiasm as always, almost hugged me and Hyuga just pulled his kimono into his seat.

"Now, then everyone is gathered"

Yoshitsune stated which made me tense.

"I know most of you know what we're going to do already." Yoshitsune was serious, as everyone else too.

It was the worst day. (Destiny Ninja Sim Date)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora