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Author's note:

Hello,everyone. First of all, I know, chill.

No,actually  ,really get mad.

Sorry for the (long) delay guys! Since exams were out and me puking my brain out was not as easy as I supposed to be, I delayed. I'll make sure I'll post some advanced from here on. Sorry to disappoint you,I'll make sure I'll skin myself alive. </3

Photo up ^^: "When is this hell going to end?" Deijizeyu at the age of 12. Credit to the artist ^u^

I could feel my smile fade as I hesitate to do anything. I don't even know anymore, what to feel, what to say, and what to express. How could I face them now with a smile stating thank you without any real feelings?

As I doubt myself they continued to argue.

"I know, I'm being careful. But I would not leave her into a state like that, a man would never abandon an injured woman."

"Well,as long as the wounds heal we have to throw her out. It could be mainly dangerous, and I don't think her weapon is normal either. It's sharper than a knife."

So they had the Namida no Suta? How reckless of me. I didn't even knew.

"And the child seems to have known a lot about poisons and medicines. He's dangerous too."

My mind opened the door as quickly as possible, they were shocked by my sudden appearance

"When have you been there?" Benkei asked but I ignored him and bowed my head deeply even through my deep wound at the back.

"I'm very sorry for eavesdropping, Yoshitsune-sama." My eyes were cold and they could easily see that my trust for everyone had vanished. I were empty.

"No.It's alright, please raise your head. You have a wound." He spouted as he beggingly try to gently push me up, but I resisted and kept my head bowed low.

"Oh,no. I wouldn't do that, Yoshitsune-sama." Still keeping my head bowed low.

"Well,then. I order you to raise your head." I did as I told, but as I predicted. They were astonished by how I looked, my eyes were empty. And it couldn't look more sorrowful. Before they could've talked,

"I--am not entirely sure of what I am." Curiosity filled their faces,and I continued.

"But I am sure I'm not your enemy, but even so, I am not certain whether I am a ninja or not. Is being forced to train how to kill throughout my life makes me one?Is injuring someone when it is needed makes me one? I don't know."

They were left speechless, surely. No one would know when it is to describe you as a ninja. Everyone had done with violence, does that make them one? Everyone have something so secretive. Does that make them one?

As they gather knowledge, I continued my speech.

"But I am certain that my brother, at the age of 10. Is not a dangerous person, during the year of our survival at the forest, he have matured that much. Earlier than the sun, he would gather informations about things I do not know.

He would find a way to heal his sister but also a way to protect her. If that's so, I am assure he is not someone who could just poison someone with that little knowledge of his, this is, I assure of you deep through my heart. Please don't doubt him."

I lowered my head once again as I close my eyes gently.

A moment of silence passed and Yoshitsune made up his mind.

"I understand that he is not dangerous, but what about you? I just recall you saying you are forced to learn how to kill someone throughout your life. If you wouldn't mind telling us, then I can assure you that you can be a true family in here."

Benkei bowed his head too in apology for doubting my brother, I knew he didn't mean it, he was only being cautious.

Yoshitsune's voice was full of kindness, and I knew I was already trusted by this man. But I couldn't take the guilt of using his kindness, even more.I have one of the three sacred treasures and I'm the key to all of it. I'm sure enemies would come after me if they would somehow knew I am here. And I can't burden him by that, so..

"No,I can't tell you." I spouted as I raise my head and looked at them in the eye as I talked to them.

"I see, it's natural since this is sudden. I will give you time to think." Ah, how kind.

I looked at him with happy eyes but I straightly get back to myself.

"No,I have been prepared for the consequences as soon as I have stepped  to this room. I will leave at dawn." They looked shocked at every word I said.

"No!" Benkei shouted angrily with eyes burning. I knew it, he was also kind but just filled with doubtness, but once gone he'll be like a father.

"We can't afford to make a woman alone in the forest with wound like that. Also, nothing with her. You will stay here until your wound-" Yoshitsune fastly said.

"Iam not asking to disappear right now without a request." They both stayed silent.

" My request is as big as the risk I will be taking by living dangerously at the forest, no. It will even be much bigger than the risk of my life." I closed my eyes shut and sincerely, surely, gently,unlike the bows before. This was very sincere.


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