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Ashton stood next to his friend Calum in the backyard at a house party. He only knew Calum at the party and was only halfway through his first drink as he watched a few drunk people swan diving into the pool outside. Yet he didn't mind being entertained by drunk people as he was still trying to find someone.

"Hey he's here" Calum says nudging Ashton out of his trance. Ashton looked up and he saw through the glass doors, that the man who he was waiting for arrived. He watched as the man was holding two bottles and placed them on the counter as he hugged the two hosts.

One week ago, Ashton and Calum were sitting on his couch going through Calum's Instagram. Calum was showing Ashton his co-workers' profiles so Ashton could place faces to the names in Calum's juicy work gossip.

"This is Michael" Calum said, clicking the profile, he shows a picture of Michael standing next to his partner and a friend. But this wasn't just some basic friend, this friend had blonde curly hair, ocean blue eyes and the dreamiest of smiles that Ashton had ever seen.

"Who is that?" he asked, trying to zoom into the photo to admire the friend more.

"It's his best friend, Luke. He's visited the store a few times, his super nice" and Ashton hits his arm and Calum softly gasps.

"and you didn't tell me about him before!"

"Well I didn't think you would like him, but why don't you come with me next week"

"What's next week?"

"Michael's having a house party at his new house. Luke will be there"

"Alright, I'll come" Ashton said with a smile. Since then, Ashton had daydreamed about the multiple scenarios in which he might meet Luke.

Currently, Ashton had chugged his drink and cleared his throat. After a week of fantasizing, he was ready to meet Luke right now.

"I've finished my drink. I'll get us seconds" he says, taking Calum's empty beer bottle off him. He walked through some small groups of people and makes his way inside before Calum gets a chance to respond.

He assesses his path, only a few people were inside. The music was quieter, and Ashton sighs as he can hear his own footsteps make their way to the drink table where Luke stands pouring a drink, he takes a deep breath, walks over, and stands next to him. He places the bottles in the bin under the table.

Shit! He remembers he didn't ask what Calum wanted as a second drink, and he doesn't know what he wants. He looks across the multiple of options and goes to pick up a clear tequila bottle, but at the same time Luke places his hand on the bottle.

"Oh I'm sorry" Luke says and Ashton shakes his head.

"No-no, you first" and Ashton gestures to the bottle.

"What if I pour us both a shot"

"I would like that"

Luke pours the shots and gives Ashton a lime piece, which was cut up in a bowl next to the bottle. They clink the glasses and shoot the shots down. Ashton tries to remain cool by not making a face, and Luke looks impressed by him.

"I'm Luke" he says with a smile.


"Well, Ashton you did that very cool" he says, and Ashton smirks.

"Thank you Luke" Ashton replies, and Luke smiles back at him.

"Do you want to do another one with me?" he asks and Ashton nods,

"yeah, sure"

They take the second shot.

"Heyy Crystal's making cocktails," Michael says, his speech a little slurred as he was a little drunk, due to taste testing his wife's cocktail creations. "She said this one has your name written over it" and he passes the long orange glass with a pink curly straw and a mini umbrella sticking out it over to Luke. Luke chuckles at the creation.

"Thank you Mikey" he says, taking the drink and sipping it.

"This is my new friend, Ashton" Luke introduces him, looking over to Ashton. Michael smiles and shakes his hand.

"I'm Michael" he happily says. He looks to Ashton's hand and letting out a short sigh, noticing Ashton without a drink. "Why don't I get Crystal to make you a drink? Do you like whiskey, gin, vodka?" he asks and Ashton goes to speak.

"Wait, would you want to try my drink, and she can make another? I hope you like it," Luke says, passing the drink to Ashton. "You can use the straw if it's easier" Luke adds with a smile, and Michael smirks at the two, obviously amused. Ashton nods and drinks it, easily detecting the strong mix of tequila and vodka with a sweetness of orange juice. He knows anyone could get really drunk after two of these.

Ashton nods as he swallows, "Yeah it's good" and he passes the drink back to Luke.

"Wait that can be yours, Mikey can you ask Crystal to kindly make another one for me" Luke asks.

"Alright, have fun with your friend" Michael smirks, teasingly hitting Luke's arm before walking back to the kitchen. Luke shakes his head and watches Ashton.

"I don't think I've seen you at one of these parties before, how do you know Michael?" and he curiously looks Ashton up and down.

"My best friend works with Michael, so I tagged along"

"His just a best friend?" Luke flirtatiously asks, and then his eyes widen, "fuck, I had some drinks before, so I'm a little tipsy. That wasn't suppose to come out" and Ashton chuckles.

"That's okay, and yeah, he's just a best friend"

Michael comes back around and passes Luke the drink. "Now you two have fun!" Michael smirks and winks, making Ashton blush and Luke hits Michael's arm again.

"Hey!" he loudly says as he holds his arm. "By the way, Ashton, Luke is single and I think he likes you" he drunkenly teases, and Luke goes red and Ashton smiles.

"I'm sorry about him" Luke says, watching Michael walk back to the kitchen and Ashton smiles.

"That's okay, I like you too" Ashton gently says, and Luke smiles.

"Really?" he sighs with relief.


As the night wore on, Ashton and Luke talked more and found out a lot more about each other. They laughed and shared embarrassing stories, but right now, Luke and Ashton were dancing with the mass of people in the backyard.



Luke holds Ashton's hands, getting his direct attention.

"I was hoping that after tonight, you would like to go out with me on a proper date when I'm not a messy drunk" and Ashton chuckles.

"You're not a messy drunk Luke"

"You've seen me fall down two times tonight"

"That is true" he smiles at the memory and continues, "but I would love to go out with out with you Luke. Let's not make us a one-night thing" he says and Luke nods.

"I like the sound of that" he says, and they flirtatiously look at each other as Rhianna's song 'We Found love' plays in the background, and suddenly they feel that they are the only ones around, them and the music.

"I want to kiss you" Ashton says softly.

"Then do it" Luke says back, and Ashton cups Luke's face in his hands, while Luke's arms fall around Ashton's waist as they kiss, which turns into an passionate make-out.

When they stop, Luke leans his forehead against Ashton's. Ashton smiles, "I've been wanting to kiss you all night" he says.

"That makes two of us" Luke smiles and kisses him again.

"Thank you for coming tonight" Luke says, and Ashton smiles as Luke still holds him in his embrace.

A few hours later, Ashton arrives home with Calum.

"You two looked cute together" Calum says as he opens the door to his house, and Ashton smiles as he feels his heart flutter.

"I'm sorry that I didn't hang out with you"

"Ash, it was meant to happen. Plus, that was the plan for you to meet Luke" Calum says, looking to Ashton smiling, happy for his best friend for getting the guy he wanted.

Ashton feels his phone buzz in his pocket and he stares at the new text message from Luke.

"I think you gotta be some type of mastermind for this" Calum says and Ashton laughs.

"I guess I am"

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