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Mattholomule walked down the half lively streets. Half recalling the recent events, 'So are we now friends?' Agustus's small voice filled his thoughts, and head. Matt would never admit it out loud, but the reason his cheeks turned a small hint of pink wasn't because of the phrase itself.

Yes, he was a bit reluctant to have someone with him but... how he say it? 'Are we friends?' Matt rubbed his face and sighed softly. His thoughts weren't rushed, they were just buzzy and filled with the dark-skinned boy's words, his he looked and that... that smirk? Those lazy eyes when he said... "I've got a better idea..." Mattholomule shudders slightly opening the door from the house lives in.

Empty. Not a single creature in sight. "As always." Mattholomule rolls his eyes before huffing and heading to the kitchen and get food. He didn't intend to spy on them. But oh Titan. That sudden move when Agustus, just lazily glances and smirks. His choice of words or even how he used his magic and knowledge of Illusions. "That was... badass." Matt nods quietly chuckling before shaking his head.

He sat down and ate his small dinner before cleaning up and heading to his room. Quickly he showered and dressed before laying on his bed. Under the covers and comfortable, he stared at the ceiling, his head gears working harder. Contemplating? Analyzing? Maybe both. Raising a hand he made a small yellow glowing circle.

After twenty minutes failing a small cloud was made and a see-through small mirror appeared. The same used to be depicted for the illusion track, -the necklace he wore in the future- it quickly flickered. Matt was frowning as he tried to concentrate to make the illusion last long. It does it just had a small yellow hue. But it soon puffed out of existence. "That was... my first illusion?" He asked no one.

Blinking rapidly, he shook his head and turned to the sides before pulling the covers up and closing his eyes fast and tightly. Taking a few minutes to relax all his body muscles before finally, he fell asleep. His night finally ended and taking a well-deserved rest.

Magic, earth, and illusion. ◇Guss X Matt◇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang