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That night Matt didn't fall asleep, again. But this time because of his parents, Amara and he had a good day, both improved their magic while Amara tried to find an instrument to play as a barn magician. "What are you doing here?" Matt could hear his mother downstairs, his mother worked in the abomination coven but mostly focused on the business and its legality, while his father was from a lower coven. Both would argue over simple and stupid things but having them at the house made Matt uncomfortable, always alone in the house made it effort for him to relax.

Tired, and a bit hungry he remembers Amara and takes his scroll, but he stops mid-way, he remembers the girl also works three jobs, and not only that she was busy trying to find an instrument she could play, Then he sighed and noticed on the contact of pentagram Augustus.

<Tall nerd>
Shortie: Hey dork.
Tall nerd: Hey Matty! What's up?
Shortie: Not much, just bored. What about you nerd?

On the other hand, Augustus was chuckling, he was sadly alone in his home, his father working again late at night, but that didn't matter he hated the silence he was about to call Luz but the distraction of Mattholomule made him rethink. 

Tall nerd: Hey! Take that back, I'm not a nerd. Also, nothing, it's too quiet at home I was about to orb call Luz.
Shorty: Ha never! Yes, you are a dork. Smooth, smooth. Hey, can I ask you something?
Tall nerd: Take it back jerk! Sure thing, Matty.
Shorty: Can I come over?

Augustus stared wide-eyed at the scroll, he half frowns, at the choice of words of Mattholomule, he wanted someone over yes but at the same time, it was so out of character for him. Shrugging off that weird feeling in his stomach he types quickly. 


Tall nerd: Sure thing. I live on xxxx.x.xxx.xxx

Matt just ended up relaxing with a sigh, it was still early, barely eight, and he didn't want to bother him, but anything was better than hearing his parents arguing over simple things, and things that were too shattered to fix. Taking a bag, he stuffed a few items in and locked the door of his room, silently he climbed out the window with a much-needed lesson of a scraped knee, hiding his head on his hood. With rushed steps he arrived at Gus's home in barely a few minutes, the house looked smaller, the color was cute; grey blue and a few hints of yellow, and it had a small balcony. Staring at the small house he glanced around before rushing and knocking, waiting a few seconds he groaned and knocked a bit harder. 

"August." Matt whisper shouts before a small rustling was heard from inside, a small light was turned before the door opened, "Matty, come in." Augustus moved aside letting the door wide open, he wore a pastel blue shirt with long grey dark blue pants. Mattholomule walked inside letting his hood down and looking around, "Nice home?" Matt mutters looking around, it feels super awkward to say the least, at one point he just played with his hands. "Mattholomule, your bleeding!" Augustus half yells staring at Matt's knee, "Follow me." The taller boy had a worried frown with a clench fist. "Go sit down." Gus pointed at the toilet for the shorter boy to sit, making the shorter boy raise a brow smirking, "Really? You don't look confident." Matt crossed his arms smirking.

He didn't know what he meant to say with that, maybe he meant, 'I don't take orders from the weak' or 'Say it with more authority and I'll do it.' Gus didn't take the hint and just rolled his eyes, "Right, and how would you say it." Gus said half sarcastic, while getting soaked in a towel. "Easy." Matt took a few seconds with a smirk when the boy walked to the shorter one, he spoke, "Sit. Now." Augustus froze halfway in front of the tub, Without a blink he sat down, making the older boy snicker but keep his smirk with a raised brow. "Good boy." Matt could not hold in the laugh and so he did, he laughed so hard he sat down on the toilet. Gus was so redder than apple blood making the shorter boy laugh more. 

"Jerk!" Gus huffed rushing to the shorter boy and kneeling down, "Am not." "Lift your pants, I need to clean it." Gus huffed taking out from the aid kid bandages while holding a damp towel, Matt rolled the pant sleeve showing off the scrape on his knee, it wasn't that bad. He was just bleeding a lot and it looked worse. "Titan Matty! You should have been more careful." Augustus sighs softly cleaning the dried blood, "It's nothing, I've had worse. You should see me after one on one, construction practice!" Mattholomule chuckled with a shrug, "Idiot." Gus mutters with a chuckle, Matt smirks, "Dork." They sat in silence for a few, Matt staring at Augustus as he cleaned his wound added a few oils, and finished with a big ban-aid. 

"Thanks, August." Matt half mutters rolling down the sleeve of his pants. "Any time Matty," Augustus stood up putting away the first aid, while Matt helped throw away the excess dirty bandage. "So." Augustus spoke looking at the shorter boy, "What?" Mattholomule raised a brow crossing his hands, "What uhm, what brings you here?" Augustus scratched his nape looking nervous, "Well." Matt shoved his hands in his pockets staring at the floor, "The house was loud." Augustus nods staring at the shorter boy, "Here is too quiet." Matt looked up, and they both stared at one another way longer than they should then they burst into a small fit of laughter. 

Magic, earth, and illusion. ◇Guss X Matt◇Where stories live. Discover now