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Sunday morning came by, since Matt didn't close his curtains the harsh morning sun woke the boy up. "Urgh." He grunts and groans sitting up from the bed he stares lazily around his room adding shorts before deciding to go downstairs and get some food in his stomach. "Matt! Matt Tholemule! Open up." Knocked repetitively, Amara. "Urgh. Times like this make me wonder why she's even my friend."

Matt stops mid-way to the door. 'Friend?'  Amara may be weird and tends to appear at the right time but considering her a friend? That was new, "Matt please." Amara half groans dragging the e while knocking. "Wait a damn minute." The boy opens the door and lets the girl in not even looking behind him. "Wow! Such a gentleman." Amara jokes sarcastically before walking to the kitchen. Matt, completely forgot of his food, his tiredness earing him up while he plumped on the couch.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Amara smiled while scanning the fridge's context, the brunette boy just groaned and waved his hand up. The tatter sleeve arms were still on while his hand fell, and he fell face first on the sofa not caring what Amara would do. "Breakfast is done. Get your lazy ass up we have things to do!" Amara half scolded Matt while pulling him up. "Urgh! You smell horrible did you even shower yesterday?"

Amara just ends up holding her nose while Matt groans and lazily walks to his seat and eats up. "Eat up, we will go to the library, We need to get your grades up. More up than your spirits." She joked and chuckled before drinking from her apple blood and breakfast. Mattholomule ate half his food, too tired to even take another bite while Amara shoves him upstairs and to the bathroom. "Take a shower. You smell worse than a slug. Besides, if you look horrible the girls will just look at me weirdly for being next to a homeless kid." "Hey!" Amara still held her nose, when he started to shower, Amara worked on lunch and shoved it in her bag while also cleaning up after herself.

"Done." Matt scratched his stomach while walking down, Amara was trying to finish adding braids to her hair, but she groaned, struggling to even make one she huffed and let her half-wavy hair down. Frustrated Amara let her blue hair down and opened the door. "Let's go."

Matt stared at Amaras' blue hair, often he wondered if that was her natural hair or dye. It was confusing considering her brows were blue and her eyelashes. Maybe a spell? Matt stared at Amara while she created a thin magic sting before she lost focus when she saw the library. "Hurry!" Amara may be a bit extra and weird, but at times like this Matt would appreciate it. She would just push him on to work better on his grades like right now.

"Okay, get the books of your classes, all of them. I'll get mine." With that split, Amara rushed to get a huge stack of books, considering she has so many classes while Matt just took a few books of construction magic and illusion magic adding a few scrolls. "Okay. I think this is all I need. Do you have everything?" Amara smiled slightly deciding to divide her books into sections from hardest to simplest. Matt and Amara broke into simple silence, each studying their respective subjects.

"This is impossible," Matt mutters while creating a small circle, and a small illusion was created of a few stars, but again it disappeared. "It's not let me see." Amara put down her book before taking him in her hand. Reading over the page many times she frowns and moves back and forth between pages. At some point, she nods and smiles. "You're supposed to visualize what you're doing. You're good at drawing how about you do that? Go simple, make small stars. Make yourself a mustache?"

Amara tried to simplify his troubles but he just sighed rubbing his temple and nodded. "Fine." Amara nods and leans a bit closer, The brunet tries to make the stars, and it works! After a few minutes of courses.  "It worked!" Matt Whisper shouted amazed that he did that, Amara clapped before the illusion disappeared.

Matt groans and face palms on the table, while Amara's eyes sparkle. "That's amazing! Try making words. I'll stay silent" She quickly quieted down and sat patiently excited. "Ready?" Matt looked up and nodded before making a circle and smirking and making a long neon green bear grow on her face. Amara quickly looked at Matt confused before taking a small broken mirror from her bag, and her eyes widened half shocked and half startled. "Ew!" Amara laughed moving her head, she wasn't a fan of green, especially for her hair. "You look hilarious." Matt laughed holding his stomach before having a brilliant idea, "Oh I know that face Matt, don't you dare-" Matt quickly made a circle and created huge comical glasses over Amaras' face with a comically long nose.

"Matt!" Amara touched her face and the spells puffed away. "Aw no, it looked good on you." Matt laughed before keeping the spells, making Amaras' hair neon pink, a huge mustache, and bear again. Amara groans and keeps touching her face, each time she notices how detailed it gets, "Don't try that again Matt Tholomule." Amara huffed but waited for a spell and he did, making Amara stand there shocked, She looked completely different, her usual clothes, a turtle sleeveless shirt with her iconic purple tattered arm sleeves changed colors neon green and red.

"Matt!" Amara glared at the laughing boy but she smiled brighter laughing louder than normal making the librarian Shush them both. Snickering to themselves Amara smiled brightly when the illusion faded, "Did you see? It looked so real! That's so cool Matt." Amara clapped slightly while nodding completely proud of him. Matt on the other hand was blushing a bit crossing his hands with his ears lightly down pink as well. "Thanks, I guess." He mutters before shaking his head. "You should try something else, how about a creature? Oh! I'm supposed to know a few beasts and identify them. How about you work on your illusion magic and try recreating them? Small of course."

Amara offers the plan and Matt has to admit that the witch is smart. "Deal. Hand me the book." Amara did as follows and almost jumped from her chair from excitement. She had to admit this could help Matt form better illusions and if he gets tired, he can try and form them out of stone or just read the book. "Alright let's see-"

The time spent in the library ran like a blur, Matt did his best with Illusions most of them weren't good, but they were surprisingly good, with the added challenge of Matt's yellowish-blue Illusions that were quite with basic forms Amara could only ace five out of twenty. By lunch, they took a couple of minutes to themselves while enjoying the nice sun out.

"So how have your classes been going?" Amara starts while they both sit on a chair near the library filled with trees. Looking down at his food Matt stayed quiet, 'She will yell at me like my parents will...' Matt thought while clenching his hand. "Matt?" Amara grew worried and glanced at him, "I'm not doing well." He admitted, 'She will yell at me' the poor boy thought while having a small frown, but he hid it with a glare. Amara just smiled and leaned closer pulling the boy in a side hug not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"Hey, man. You're doing your best I know you can do it." Amara whispers before letting him go, with small tears forming Matt just smiled and took a deep breath, "If you ever need help with any class I can help. Don't give up." Amara pats his back and the kid lets go of the hug, rubbing his eyes and crossing his arms looking away. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Amara smiled brightly and chuckled ruffling his hair. "Hey!-" "Let's go. Let's get the books out of the library and go to the woods. I know a sweet spot; we can practice your construction magic and I can tutor you in other classes. Or maybe we can talk about that date~" Mattholomule rolls his eyes blushing. "Hurry up slow poke!" Matt shouted while running to the library, Amara just laughed and ran after him to get the books.

Magic, earth, and illusion. ◇Guss X Matt◇Where stories live. Discover now