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No one's pov

    The girl took a few steps towards Indra, before stopping halfway, hesitant to continue. "Come here"  his piercing voice made her head hurt, his presence was suffocating.

Swallowing her fear she continued to approach him, as soon as she got close enough, he spoke " that's enough " his glaring red eyes shifting from her small form to the man he held by the throat, and once their eyes met, Paul could feel a primal fear grip his heart, a fear he hadn't felt since becoming an adventurer.

"Speak" Indra snarled out, "m-me and Zenith had another child" Paul rasped out as his throat was being constantly constricted. Looking at the girl once more, he could easily see the resemblance now. Roughly dropping Paul on his ass, Indra then crouched down to the child's heght whilst deactivating his sharingan, "what's your name little one?" His demeanor completely changing confused the girl greatly but her once lost bravado returned " hmph!, my name is Norn Greyrat!"

She had turned away with a pout during her introduction, bringing his hand forward Indra now held his hand out to shake, catching Norn off gaurd, "my name is Indra...Indra Greyrat. I'm pleased to meet you Lady Norn." If Norn wasn't surprised before she definitely was now, she had heard of him before, her mother would talk about him a lot, and very fondly at that. Bringing her hand forward and grabbing on to his, they would shake hands, "I've heard of you, momma talked about you all the time!" The girl stated enthusiastically, the more she heard about him, the more she wanted to meet him, this made Indra smile slightly, to hear that Zenith had not forgotten him made him extremely happy.

"Is that so?" Indra playfully questions "uh huh!" Norn responds unaware of his teasing. " well it was wonderful meeting you little one, but you must want to talk to your big brother Rudeus huh?" Norn only glanced at Rudeus before immediately bringing all her attention back to Indra. "Aren't you also my big brother?" This shocked Indra to the core, he had not expected her to consider him family since they had never met before today. "Hehe" a chuckle escaped him, and he brought his hand up to ruffle her hair, " I suppose I am huh?"

Scene change

After that whole interaction with their father, Rudeus and Indra had decided to explore the city and catch up, " how has time treated you brother?" Indra questions "it's been a journey brother, that I can say for certain." Rudeus replied " have-" Indra would go to ask another question, only to be interrupted by Rudeus. "Where did you go brother?" Stunned into silence, Indra pondered this question before ultimately deciding to answer truthfully, " I'm not truly sure" Rudeus went to speak but Indra raised his hand to stop him. " One moment I'm fighting those monster, but the next moment I found myself in a strange place, where I was met with a strong warrior." Pausing for but a moment thinking of what to say next, Indra continued " she claimed to be the apostle of the man god, who ever that may be, and then she attacted me."

Rudeus had been quiet for minutes after the mentioned name of his so called "ally", and it was worrying, "do you know this man god?" Indra asks breaking the silence, Rudeus gulped nervously at this before speaking "yes.."

Scene change

Paul's pov

As I looked down at my almost sleeping daughter, I couldn't help but think about the reunion with my sons. I'm not sure what to think, whether I should be happy about their safety, or angry at their clear lack of concern for those displaced by the telepotation event..

"Papa?" The tired voice of Norn cut my thoughts short, " yes sweetheart?" I reply, I can feel the tug on my lips as I look down to the gift Zenith gave me. "Why is big brother Indra so mean to you?" I grimaced at the question immediately before steeling my resolve to answer her, "because I'm a terrible father...." Shutting my eyes in preparation for some sort reaction to my answer, I was met with soft snoring.

*sigh* I'm thankful she passed out before she heard my answer, "wow! Norn is so cute father!" The voice of Rudeus put me into a stupor, looking to where I heard his voice, I saw a much younger Rudeus looking down at norn. "Ru-Rudy?" I blinked....I blinked and he was gone "Wha-"

No one's pov

*drip* *drip * *drip* the sound resonated in the room. Paul stared at his son who lie infront of him bleeding, and missing an arm "Ru-" "Father.......Father why didn't you save me in time?" The raspy voice of Rudeus made Paul's ears hurt, and his head pound. Rudeus had gone limp by now and Paul held his head in his hands,sweating profusely, heart slamming in his chest, and then......he blinked.  And found himself alone with his daughter once more.


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