A new journey begins

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Indra's pov

  "Rudy?"  "Yeah?" "I would like to travel with you." He stared at me in surprise clearly not expecting my request, "um, are you sure? He asked nervously, "yes,if you'd have me," suddenly a grin sprouted on his face, and he barreled into my side trying to wrap me in the tightest hug possible, "of course you can travel with me!" I felt a smile form on my face aswell. I felt.....happy, for the first time in years.

Scene change
No one's pov

   Indra was now at the entrance of the city, dawning his now repaired armor and a new sword, although the sword felt almost wrong for him to use. He was currently waiting for Rudeus and his freinds to finish saying goodbye to Paul and Norn, Paul and Rudy had made up, however Indra still kept his distance from his father. Luckily Indra didn't have to wait long, as he could see a group of three walking in his direction. And once they finally reached him, Indra began to study the features of Rudeus's companions. He first took notice of a bald man wearing a headband, he could faintly see hint of green poking out from where the man's eyebrows would be, he had red eyes, and was extremely well built, Indra could tell that the man before him was a warrior. He then shifted his attention to a crimson haired girl with red eyes, at first glance, Indra could see the she had an obviously violent temper, reminding him of the Uzumaki clan from his time as Madara. She seemed to have some amount of skill with the way she carried herself. On the other hand Rudeus's group studied Indra, immediately taking notice of the obvious resemblance between him and Rudeus. "Hey! Who are you!?" Eris rudely questions Indra's calm purple eyes locked with hers, and she felt a nostalgic beat in her heart, his calm demeanor almost immediately reminded her of her own father. This shut down any obnoxious remarks that she could think of, Indra then bowed his head slightly, and spoke "My name is Indra Greyrat, and it's a pleasure to meet you both. The bald man was the first to speak up, "my name is Rujerd" the man nodded his at Indra respectfully, Eris was next but she was a lot more quiet then before "E-Eris...." she had averted her eyes when mumbling her name. Rudeus only smiled at their interaction,  "well, we should get going" Rudeus spoke up, "where are we going brother?" Indra asks "to find Roxy sensei", "very well" Indra said while placing his helmet on and walking behind Rudeus who had already began walking, Eris and Rujerd following close behind.

Scene change

Indra's pov

  We all sat in the back of a wagon, currently entering the kingdom of shirone in search of Roxy, the two of us never interacted much but we had a mutual respect for each other. "Are you excited to see her brother?" My question seemed to have snapped Rudeus from his thoughts, as he turned and smiled at me, "very" he replied.

Soon we found our selves at the guild, I stood next to Rudeus who was reading a letter. When suddenly the sound of a dispute alerted us, we both turned in the direction of the sound to see a little girl with red hair, and wearing a maids attire, being chase by soldiers. Rudeus and I locked eyes before I'd vanish and give chase.

Aisha's pov

My legs hurt, I've been running for so long,  these men won't leave me alone. "Get back here!" One of the men shouted, this only made me run harder, turning a corner I hit my head against a wall and I felt blood dripping from my nose.  I'm dizzy, "can't see..." trying to open my eyes and look in the direction I came from, I was greeted by the sight of a really tall armored man holding one of the bad men by the face, before crushing his head inward, this took me from my daze, and I tried getting up to run. "Don't run little one" the armored man spoke, stopping me in my tracks, his voice was hypnotizing. Turning around the man was kneeling down to my height and had removed his helmet. "Who are you?" "Indra Greyrat, and you?" "Aisha...... Greyrat" the man's eyes darkened at the mention of our shared last name, "I see......"

Scene change
No one's pov

   Indra had taken the girl back to Rudeus, and they decided to book the nearest inn. Aisha sat in a chair across from Rudeus in the luxury suite, "so...where's your mother Aisha?" Rudeus questions "she was taken by the prince." This confused Rudeus greatly, "What would the prince want with a simple house maid?" He mumbled to himself, but Aisha heard him and was confused how he knew her mother. "how do you know my mother?" Rudeus was caught off gaurd by this question and was about to try and answer without revealing who he was, as Aisha apparently had a terrible view point of her brother's character. Thankfully Indra entered the room at the perfect time, "Rudy, we should go break her out." "Huh..?" Came Rudeus's reply.

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