Aching heart; A New Goal

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Indra's pov

        It's been a few weeks since Rudy was revived by Orsted. We're finally reached the outskirts of our home village, Rudy is nervous about returning home.

"Rudeus, that tree up the hill is where you and Sylphie use to hang out right?" I ask

"Huh? Oh yeah it is!" Rudeus replying excitedly, he then runs up the hill with Eris close behind. They suddenly stop at the top, and the smile Rudeus had vanished in an instant.

Once Rujerd and I reach the top we see the ruins of our once thriving village. The fields barren and hollow, the river dried up and empty, the houses nothing but rubble. Rudeus now had tears running down his cheeks and fell to his knees. Walking forward I kneel next to him and place my hand upon his shoulder. Looking to me Rudeus had nothing but sorrow in his eyes.
"Indra.... they-they''s all..."his voice cracking up stopping any further words.
"It's okay Rudy" I reassure him.
"But...." Rudy trails off looking back to our home.
"There is always a chance that they're somewhere else, we'll find Sylphiette, and we'll find your mother." I state with finality. He nodded and began wiping his tears

"Unfortunately children, it is time for me to depart from you." Rujerd states

"I see" Rudy mutters

"Worry not, we will all meet again, and when we do I look forward to seeing how you both have grown." With those parting words Rujerd makes his way down the hill and to the nearest road. But not before looking back and smiling.

Scene change

      We're now walking to a nearby refugee camp. As saddened as Eris and Rudeus are, they are more than prepared for the next journey. Coming up to a large tent, we enter to find a man in a butler suit, with glasses, and a dark-skinned beast woman with white hair, wearing a black fur lined jacket and a skimpy top covering her assets. She has dark green pants and brown sandels, and a white eyepatch covered her right eye. They were conversing before we entered. The woman was the first to notice.
"Paul?" She asks staring at my unhelmeted face.
"No" I reply shaking my head. She narrowed her eye at me, "then you are....Indra?" I only nod my head. "You look just like your father." She states
"No I don't.."Came my immediate retort.
"Oh...." she replies "Rudeus, Eris you both look well." Ghislaine swiftly changes the subject. Eris pays no attention to the awkward air in the room, and with a grim expression on her face dismissed Rudeus and I from the tent.

Over the next few hours, Thomas, the servant of the Boreas Greyrat family showed us around the refugee camp, almost as if expecting us to help around the place. Unfortunately for him, Rudeus and I had more important matters to attend to.

"Tommorow we'll you to help build homes for the refugees." Thomas states

"No" I coldly reply.

"Huh?" He dumbly asks

"As unfortunate as their situation is, we don't have the time, or obligation to assist these people." I know Zenith would want us to help. But Zenith isn't here.

"B-but...." Thomas tries to plea. However I'm not interested in his pathetic begging. Rudeus went into his tent rather silently, and I did the same.


Night has passed and I'm currently doing my early morning workout. As I'm mid pushup, Rudeus silently walks towards me. When I see his feet to my side, I look up. His eyes filled with nothing but heartbreak and distress.

"What happened?" I ask concerned. He doesn't respond, instead he just barrels into my stomach and begins sobbing.

"She left...." Rudeus chokes out.

"It doesn't matter, we have no need for her. Close your heart for now, and use this sorrow as motivation to be better." My small speech just barely manages to get through to him, but it got through all the same.

"We must find your mother at any cost." My voice resounds with determination and authority. Rudeus only nods.

"Go pack your things, we leave today." I order, and Rudeus immediately sets off.

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