Mother's heartbreak

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Indra's pov

   "Huh?" Came Rudeus's reply, "but we haven't made a plan yet" "we won't need one, I've already scouted out the castle, and to say their defenses are pitiful, would be an understatement." My nonchalant tone must have eased his worries a bit "alright then, let's go"


       We were running across rooftops to get to the castle, Rudeus being carried on my back, and Eris on Rujerd's. After a few more buildings we arrived near one the castle walls, "alright I'm going to throw you over the wall, use wind magic to slow your decent" "wha-" he never got the chance, as I flung his small form over the wall. "Rujerd I'll boost you across, can you handle the rest?" He simply nodded before sprinting towards me, I kneeled slightly and outstretched my chakra infused arm, he used that to boost across the gap between the roof and the wall, he stabbed his spear into the wall and used it to climb the ledge. I then turned to Eris who looked excited,  crouching down , she immediately climbed onto my back and latched on for dear life, letting chakra build in my legs, I suddenly took off towards the wall, easily trumping it's height, and landing atop it.

    Releasing my hold on her legs,Eris climbed off my back, whilst smiling broadly at me. She clearly enjoyed the thrill, but now wasn't the time for this. "Get moving" I ordered, and Eris sprinted off into the shadows of the castle.

Jumping down into the main courtyard, I'd quickly be surrounded by 15 fodder.

"STOP RIGHT THERE INTRUDER!" a female soldier orders. A smirk graces my lips before I began to play with my food.

"Haven't slaughtered sheep in years..." I let that statement hang in the air for but a moment before raising my right foot and took a step forward, my foot never touched the ground before I was infront of the "leader" of this squad. Her eyes wide as the blade of my sword protruded through her back. I lift her up and jerk my sword to the side causing her dying form to hit the dirt.

"GET HIM!" another soldier ordered, this caused all 14 of the remaining soldiers to charge me all at once.



A loud screeching stopped them in their tracks, fear was all they felt in that moment as a pale red lightning covered the blade of my sword. Pointing it at one of the fodder infront of me, the lightning extended from my blade and pierced his chest. Twisting the blade at a horizontal angle I'd swing it to the left, cleaving the impaled soldier and 9 more soldiers in half with the extended lightning blade. This caused the remaining soldiers to drop their weapons and run. "Pathetic.." I whisper while staring at their retreating forms. Sheathing my blade on my back I'd turn around and walk deeper into the courtyard in search of where they could imprison someone.  It didn't take long as I found myself staring at a celler door that had a crude lock and chain over it. Reaching down I'd infuse chakra through my arm and yank the lock off. The force used opened one of the doors, and I simply open the other. Walking down into the dark room I spot a cage at the back end, and see a red haired woman dressed in maid attire, her head snapped up at the sound of my heavy footsteps.

"Y-you YOU DARE IMPERSONATE HIM!?" she would scream out in fury. I wouldn't bother replying, instead I'd rip the door from it's hinges. Lilia was on her feet in seconds, pulling out a butter knife that was hidden in her sleeve and lunging towards me. Sidestepping her, causing her to fall to the ground she was immediately back up and trying again, an onslaught of stabbing and slashing would be easily blocked before I catch her wrist and she's left panting.

"Come" I order before walking past her to the exit. I could hear her slow footsteps behind me, coming back into the courtyard Rujerd and Eris would be there waiting for us "where is Rudeus?" I question them

"Dunno" Came Eris's brash response
"Master Rudeus?" Lilia asks in shock
"Let's go find hi-" my order was cut short as a strange boy with a bowl cut was now infront of us holding a shorter boy by the head.

Time skip
No one's pov

  After the quartet encountered the now identified Zanoba who is the first prince of the kingdom. He apologized for his younger brother's actions and for imprisoning Rudeus. Rudeus and Indra now stand infront of Lilia and Aisha who were about to depart and go to Paul and his people.

  "Master Rudeus....Indra" Lilia speaks in a grave tone. "Thank you for rescuing Aisha and I." Lilia was grateful to say the the least, but to say the most....she was hurt terribly so, hurt that her son looked at her as if she was nothing but another face in a crowd, as if their relation meant nothing to him. "My son....I've miss-"

   "Do not refer to me so casually wench." Indra interrupted viciously, a snarl replacing his vacant expression, nothing but hate in his eyes. Everyone within ear shot would adopt a shocked expression, Lilia herself had tears falling, and Aisha was furious.
" HEY DON'T TALK TO MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!" She shouts at Indra, he payed her no mind, even when she began hitting him In the leg as hard as she could.
"You mean nothing...whether you birthed me or not, It.means.nothing." The more he spoke, the more tears fell. Rudeus was flabbergasted, he knew that they didn't get along, but to have this kind of hostility towards his own mother was shocking.
  "Say your goodbyes and get on with your life." Indra just walked away after that and nobody knew what to think.


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