Things that made it worse in HS

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I was lesbian for the four years and that didn't help any of it. I was out of the norm, overweight (199 at the highest) and bullied all the time. One kid decided in art class that it would be funny to throw stuff at me and my friends. For erasers to paint brushes. We all filed a report against him and the school did nothing. 

My dad at one point when I needed to go home decided to tell me that I was just trying to get out of school. that just made the thoughts worse. 

I was also questioning if I was trans. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and some of the stuff that comes with that is; excess body hair including facial, being overweight, acne and oily skin, and excess androgen (a chemical in females but higher in men) and I did have high levels of that. These symptoms made me feel like I was in the wrong body especially since I liked girls more than boys. 

The stress from school made it worse too. My school had a trimester system which made everything go by faster as we were learning a whole unit everyday. I would miss out on homework as a result of having no motivation to do it and family issues. 

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