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19 years later

"Scorpius, you need to hurry up or we're gonna leave without you." Lyra, Scorpius' older sister, stuck her head around her younger brother's door. Scorpius, who was sitting on his bed, looked up at his sister. His sister's face softened when she saw the nervous look that covered Scorpius' face. "Don't worry, me and Leo will have your back throughout your first year. And Albus will be in the same year as you."

Albus. Scorpius had forgotten about him. How could he? They were best friends after all. Lyra pushed the door open and grabbed Scorpius' trunk. "Come on." She held her hand out to her brother. Scorpius took it and she pulled him to his feet.

Lyra carried the trunk downstairs with her brother hot on her heels. In the hallway, the mother of the two kids was waiting. The snakes that had replaced her hair many years ago turned to the two teenagers. The mother's head turned towards where the snakes were looking. She smiled at her two kids and took the trunk from Lyra.

A boy, about 15 years old, ran into the hallway laughing. His father came in after him, his hair and clothing all ruffled up. "You're getting slow, old man." Leo, the boy, laughed at his father. "Right." His father, Draco, mumbled. He straightened his clothes and dusted them off.

"Be nice to your dad." His mother scolded, but she couldn't help but smile at the two. Leo, her oldest, had always been very playful. He reminded her of her father back when she still lived with him.

"We're gonna be late." One of (Y/N)'s snakes told her. "You're right." She replied. "Kids, get your trunks and load them into the car, we're going to be late if we don't hurry." The kids nodded and grabbed their stuff. Their father led them toward the car.

Now (Y/N) was alone in the house. She smiled as she recalled the years she had spent in this house. She had gotten it together with Draco after they had finished their last year at Hogwarts. Draco had continued studying, specializing in the ways of alchemy. After a couple of years of working for the Ministry, Draco had gotten an invitation from Professor McGonagall herself to teach Alchemy as a specialization at Hogwarts. Draco had not hesitated to say yes.

2 years after Draco had started as a teacher at Hogwarts, he had asked (Y/N) to marry him. "Is that even a question at this point?" She had asked through her happy tears. A few years after, their first child was born, Leo Hagrid Malfoy. Hagrid had been so happy when he found out their first child was named after him, he had picked (Y/N) right up from her hospital bed to hug her.

2 years after Leo, Lyra Marlene Malfoy was born, their first girl. And again, 2 years later, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was born.

The most peculiar about her kids was that every single one had batches of their hair replaced by a snake, just like hers. Leo, who had long white hair, had two snakes that replaced his bangs. The white scales of the snakes sometimes made it hard for strangers to determine if his bangs were snakes or hair moving on its own.

Lyra had one at the back of her head, just at the base of her skull, that lay over her shoulders most of the time. The green scales of her snake had always mixed well with Lyra's dark hair, at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.

 And Scorpius had one on the top of his head, which fell past his head like the natural flow of his hair. His snake also had white scales, just like his brothers. His snake was a rather sensitive topic for him, as Scorpius didn't have long hair. He always thought the difference in length made him look weird, but luckily, his friends had never seen him any different than just Scorpius.

Snapping back into reality, (Y/N) turned and left the house, and headed toward the car.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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