
641 16 8

Unknown Number

Hello, this is Jinyoung (Dex). I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed today
Hope we can do it again sometime

I have to say that even though I didn't want to come today, I also had a good time

Unknown Number changed to UDT Soldier

I just hope that someday you'll trust me enough to tell me something about yourself, because today we really just workour together, and besides the fact that your dad is my former commander, I know nothing about you

What if that was my plan?


What if I wanted to push you into inviting me somewhere?

Where's the girl who was trembling when I approached her? Suddenly, she's got claws

So, will you invite me somewhere? Tomorrow is my last day off. After that, I'll be locked up at StarShip for several hours again

Tomorrow at four, at [address]

What will we do?

It's surprise

I'll trust you, just like you trusted me today

Did you seriously compare me trusting you to handle the UDT training with you trusting me not to do something bad?

And get used to it
I'm just different, that's all

And I like that about you.

THANK YOU // DEX ✔️Where stories live. Discover now