Chapter 1

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This chapter won't be posted when I want it to be posted.... My phone is dying. That's why D: .


"Come on, Germany~! It will be fun~! We'll only stay for a few minutes to look around and then leave! No harm done, right?" Italy asked as he tugged on Germany's sleeve.

"We can go if you stop being so annoying right now. Just let me listen to the meeting and then we can talk about this, okay?" The stern German replied as he attempted to focus on the meeting.

"Ve~! Yay! Thank you, Germany!" Italy thanked and rubbed his face onto Germany's hard shoulder.

Geez, will this guy ever calm down and realize that there is work to do? He needs to get locked away somewhere with no escape until he gets his work habits straight....

~Time skip (loop >:3)~

"Wow.... Look how old it is!" Italy said cheerfully. Germany looked over at his friend and saw him frown for a spilt second.

I must be imagining things. He was just happy a second ago.... Maybe his mouth felt tired from smiling all damn day.

"Yes. It does look very old and dirty.... Do we really have to go inside?" Japan asked as he looked at the mansion in disgust.

"Yes we do. It will be awesome! Not as awesome as me but awesome!" Prussia yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Calm down, brother. Let's just go inside...."

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