chapter 2: The Hackers

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                                                                                     Hailey's POV

After building and breaking we had built a city... well part of one we were building a hotel at this time for trader who needed a place to stay, we were very busy.

Little did we know our evil side called Matrix Hailey and Hacker Anne were planning something... something big and something that could destroy this world.

We were building the hotel, so they had all the time in the world to plan and test out everything and something we also did not know was that they had this huge map of of the city we were starting off.

Hi Anne, I said as I was placing some things for decoration. Hi, how are things going for you? I'm doing great look at the beautiful decorations I put up... why do you look concerned??? Our bad sides are trying to take over the server... Anne said as she was putting doors down for the rooms of the hotel.

Huh??? Why would they want to do that??? I don't know I'm guessing revenge??? OK but we both know Matrix Hailey doesn't want revenge. Yeah, Hacker Anne does.

Oh... Right...

                                                                                     A week later

Finally, the hotel can be opened!!!! Anne said while unlocking the hotel for the employees

I know right?!?

so, uh... you know how Matrix Hailey and Hacker Anne want to take over the server???

Yeah... why??

I found a Map in my base...

you did??? that's cool.

yeah, but I think the Hackers put it there...

we don't know yet Anne, but don't worry we can investigate later we need to start focusing on the power plants....

                                                                                    End of chapter

Hey guys it's me again I hope you liked this chapter its longer than the last one, I'm trying to make them longer but my sister made the wrtten ideas short so there isnt much i can do...

hope you have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!!!

word cout: 306 words

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