|•Section 5•|

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|•Time skip to tryouts•|

"Okay everyone! Quite down!" Kris says plastering a smile on her face.
"Everyone will battle Free to try to claim the throne of Team Captain for the Top Tier team." Kris said. It's almost like she wants Free to win. Well they are like childhood friends? Either way, I'll take him down. "Ohhhh yeah!" Valt said ready to battle. "I'll battle him first!" Valt added. "Ok, Valt vs. Free!" Kris says. Trad was standing next to her with his tablet in his hands as usual. Where's Free? I saw him about an hour ago but he probably forgot about tryouts. "Freeeee"Valt called in worry. Valt really wants to beat Free, but I don't think he stands a chance with Valtryak.(is that how you spell it?)
"Yah?" Free said from behind Valt. "Ready to battle!" Valt asked cheerfully. "Sure, why not." Free said while yawning. Gosh, he never shows any respect for others. After Free defeated Valt, Rantaro, and everyone else, I guess it was finally my turn. "It's my turn!" I shout ready to make him fall for defeat. "Ok, you're up." He says looking as ready as if he was to fall asleep. "1st match!" Trad says refereeing the match.
"Let it Rip!" We both say I'm union.
His bey takes the center of the stadium. Since my bey is a attack type I went for the attack. "B/n! Eclipse launch!" My bey was attacking hard but not hard enough. His Fafnir would barely budge. "That all you got?" Free said in boredom. "Not even close!" I say back! "B/n! Gooooo!" I say releasing the aura around me. "Fafnir!" Free said copying me in releasing the aura that surrounds us. "Destroy him!" I yell demanding my bey to destruct him. "No matter what!" I yell. I can't, just can't lose to him! "Fafnir, Nothing Destroy!" Free yelled finally getting out of his boredom. My bey went for the attack and was in a head on collision with Fafnir. Electricity and bolts of light flashed around the stadium making it unclear for both of use to be able to see the battle. The light and bolts of energy eventually stopped when you could see both beys flying in the air. I looked up in shock hoping his bey would burst. Except I was wrong. My bey burst and his flew out of the stadium. "I-I can't lose though. How is that possible." I said falling to my knees. I trained so hard though. How is that even possible. My mouth was open as my eyes were shot in disbelief. I picked up my bey and ran, ran as fast as I could out of there. Tears starting to stream down my face. How could he win! I-I broke the stadium, I trained as hard as ever, and still lost? He meditated! Literally meditated. I reached my room and cried into my pillow. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I couldn't hardly stop because of how mad I am. "It's-s not fair!" I scream into my pillow.

Author POV: -back at the training grounds- "What was her deal?" Rantaro asked. Free walked away with his head tilted silently. Free was confused about why you ran off. Free knows you didn't have a single kink in your blading style but it was just the fact that he's stronger. He also thought it was more of a challenge than any other blader there but he thought hard. He went back to the dorm to where you were sobbing. You couldn't show a sign of weakness though to him. You despise him. You hate him. That b*tch. "Y/n, good battle." Free said with more enthusiasm than usual. "Go away." You said not removing you head from the wet pillow. "No" he said leaning up against the wall. You felt more anger than ever before raging inside of you. "GO AWAY!" You scream getting up and walking towards Free. He got stern and stood straighter up. You pulled you hand back while clenching you fist together. You tried punching Free in the face but it backfired. He moves his head to dodge it letting your hand hit the wall with a hard impact. Your anger level has risen beyond limits but so has your pain. You fingers felt like falling off and your hand felt shattered into over a million pieces. You clutch your right arm(the arm you attempted a punch with) as your knees drooped down. Free left with no emotion on his face. You cried harder than ever before. Letting out a scream of pain, you sobbed alone in the room clutching your right arm still. You were extremely tired from sobbing and battling Free. You fell asleep sitting down on the wall still holding your arm in your left hand. On the other hand, when Free returned, he noticed that you were sleeping on the ground against the wall. He also noticed your knuckles bleeding and your hand swollen as ever. He picked you up and took you to the hospital room in the West Wing of the campus. He left you to rest and told Kris about what happened. He couldn't help but feel bad for you as you lost and wounded you hand. As he was feeling bad and thinking about you, he felt something he's never felt before. His heart fluttered thinking about you and felt some sort of love to be around you. When he returned, he went to bed immediately and fell asleep within a few minutes.

Word count: 971
I'm sort of trying to make this a slow story with a decent amount of dialogue but it so hard to when I really want to skip to the good partt

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