/| Beauty Thats Fearful |\

183 8 36

This book will be left alone for a lil after this, considering I'm going on vacation but here's a oneshot for you guys <3

Ships: Lander☆
Genre: Angst● to Fluff○
Au: Vampire Zander ◇
Luke: 23
Zander: 24

Lukes pov:

I cradled my boyfriend in my lap, as I heard his soft cries under my face. He had been harassed again due to his species. How could someone so gorgeous be bullied so hard.. I glanced down at his features. He had glorious lavender eyes with flaming hot-pink edges and had long mauve hair that hung over his eyes. His pale skin smovered over his body as most of it was covered by the pitch black outfit he wore. "Why can't I just be loved?.." I heard him sniff as I tried to hush his tears again. His own mother doesn't even love him.. He's so kind and thoughtful how can such a creature not be loved? Sure he drank blood but he doesn't even do it often anymore..

His face looked blank and emotionless as black tear marks stained under his eyes. I brought him closer to my chest as I hummed a soft tune to him. His body begun to stop tensing as my voice swished through his ears. He stopped crying as my finger lifted his head from under his chin. I caressed his cheek as I brought him to an embrace. My fingers ran through his fluffy locks of hair, as his eyes eyelids fell a little.

As we broke the embrace, I looked into his eyes. I could see my reflection illuminate into them. He smiled a little as his fangs begun to show. I loved his little smile, it was adorable yet so beautiful. I really don't understand how so many people can hate such a sweet person? "Ay? Want to go on the balcony?" I asked breaking the soothing silence. He nodded a little as I reached out my hand. He politely took it as I ran to the door. He giggled slightly at my hyperness as we reached the exit.

It was quite late at night so we had an utter-divine view. Buildings crowded the surroundings as the moon shone above them. You could see hardly any cars drive on the roads. Lampposts glimmered in the dark as a soft breeze flew through the air. Dark clouds covered the moon as its delicate shadow peirced through creating a lovely scenery.

I turned my gaze to Zander. He looked so calm and laid back staring at the view. His eyes were locked on the sky as I could see it radiating into his eyes. He was leaned onto the mental fence with his hands keeping his head up. I smiled at his action and politely placed my hand onto his. His body shook a little but soon calmed down as he turned to me. He smiled again as he took my hand into his and held it gently. His nails grazed against my skin a little but I wasn't focused at all on that. My sunshine eyes were locked onto my lovers as we kissed under the moonlight. I could sense his fangs hit my lip as our mouth connection deepend more.

The gap between us finnaly formed again as I disunited our lips. The air blew my auburn hair into my face as I tired getting it out of my eye view. I could swear I heard Zander laughing a little infront of me, but his laugh was utterly adorable so I wasn't complaining. As I brushed my hair finally out of my face I held Zanders hand once more and just smiled.

Sry if it ain't long enough, I tried making it atleast a lil detailed ;)
Love you all! <3
Have a good day or night! ●○

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