||||| Useless |||||

156 4 9

Ships: Lander☆
Genre: Angst ● Comfort¡¿
Au: Angel Luke♤ & Demon Zander♧


No ones pov:

Zander rolled around his bed as his mind was blocked on his now non-secret boyfriend, 'Luke'.. Recently, his sister had caught them making interactions with eachother in a loving way. 'Hailey' despised angels with her entire life and had of course informed her mother and she then told the 'Queen of angels'.. Eversince, Zander hasn't been able to even look at Luke.. He doesn't even know where he is anymore.. The last moment he had with his auburn love was the night he watched him get taken away by guards..

Sweat dripped all over his pale skin as he memerised the awful memory that had blocked his mind. Screams and yells of Lukes deep voice ringed in his ears like an alarm clock as his breath quickened. None of the demons could look at Zander the same.. He was... useless...

Suddenly, he wheeped in utter sobs as he pulled and yanked on his mauve hair. He gritted his sharp teeth and bit his blood-shot lips as he yelled in distress, anger and pain.

He couldn't take it anymore. He had to find him.


He trudged along the damp and gloomy alleyways as he made his way closer to the gateway of heaven. It was surrounding with blooming white roses and golden vines. Clouds seemed darker then usual though.. Probably the recent disturbance to the peice and law. Zander swished his palm across the metallic bats as he travelled his body over to a few plants. Luke had showed him a secret passageway into heaven many moons ago so it was best to just use that.

Zander crawled under a small gap in the bars as he made his way into the forbidden area and parting of 'Heaven & Hell'

The mauve-haired gazed around his now known surroundings as it looked more different then usual. It looked abandoned.. Rubbish (trash for american) was littered in almost every corner.. Zander sighed as he suddenly heard... crying?..

As the ombre turned a corner he was met with a small opening attached to the ground. Screams and sobs could be heard from inside.. Zanders curiosity came over him as he opened the miniature latch and flew slowly inside.

He tiptoed slowly with every step, as the crying grew louder and louder by time. Zander caught sight of many old and unhealthy chambers filled with nothing but rotten pieces of skin and bones. The purplette only seemed to gag as he looked into the small spaces. "Must be the heaven dungeons..." He muttered under his breath.

He made another twist as he came across... an unexpected sight...

He found him.

Zander immediately sprinted over to his beloved who was seemingly stuck in a chamber.. His arms were attached to heavy, strong chains and his wings had been simply ripped off his back...
"Luke.. It's okay.. I'm here.." Zander spoke in a gentle voice as he crouched infront of the rusty bars. Luke twitched before looking up and his tears had already stopped.

Zander took a small gem out of his pocket as he picked the lock with ease. Luke stared as tears merged into his honey eyes once again. He collapsed into his loved ones arms as he sobbed and yelled into his shoulder. Zander stoked his hair with his fingertips as he too fell into a fit of crys.

They were reunited at last...


I got so dang lazy at the end 😫

I'm sorry for my absence recently-

I'm still working on other parts of oneshots but I promise I'm getting there-

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