■\/■ The Peasant and the Beauty ■\/■

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Ships: Lander☆
Genre: ?
Au: Victorian


The young boy politely handed the women her mail as he straightened his posture, riding his bike down an old alleyway. He noticed many homeless people crowding the streets as he felt a hint of sorrow. He two was apart of the Lower Class as he had finally gotten a part-time job that shouldn't cause him any harm, (he nearly tried to do cotton-picking but immediately thought different after the incident of a girl getting her finger cut off in the machine).
(True fact, that was an actual event in the early 1800s ^-^)

The boy supposedly had aurbun hair and buttercup eyes, aswell as a minatre beauty mark under one of them. He rode swiftly through the lanes, trying to not attract any more peoples attention.

Soon enough, he took a turn but sadly failed his work of agility as he noticed a beautiful sight. Another man around his age, he looked as if he was in Upper Class, caught his gaze as he had the most stunning appearance he had ever seen. He had gorgeous, mauve hair and glamorous, periwinkle eyes that were filled with mystery yet a huge amount of beauty.

As he caught his attention back to the road, he accidentally rode right into a lamppost, "Oh my, are you okay?" The strange and unknown voice startled him as he jolted his eyes wide open within seconds. It was the young latter that he was admiring. "Ah, no I'm okay don't worry." The paesent exclaimed, scratching his neck in embarrassment. The purplette shook his head in disbelief,  "Are you sure? That was quite a nasty fall." He questioned, also holding his hand out gently infront. The teenage boy, grabbed it anxiously as the ombre helped him to his feet, "Thanks.. And I'm pretty sure I'm fine. Thanks for the gesture though!" He thanked with a sun-kissed smile plastered on his lips. "Oh that wasn't a problem! Uhm.. see you around?" The utmost glamorous young man responded. "Uh, yeah! See you!"

The poor latter chambered back upon his bike, beginning his path once again. Oh how he wished he'd seen him again...


How did I come up with this?

Anyways, hope u liked my most outrageous, horrible writing!

Hope you have a good day or night! ●○

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