°☆° Night-time °☆°

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A lil oneshot to make sure yk I alive and working on part 2s of other oneshots-

Ships: Lander☆
Genre: Fluff○
Au: Next gen. Married Lander ^-^

No ones pov:

Zander and Luke had to come the descion that they were going to have a visit to 'New York'. It was quite sudden but they were eager to see the gorgeous city and especially with eachother.

They sat in a train, that would take them there. Luke had excitedly gazed out of the window, he had always wanted to visit New York it was one of his largest dreams! His cousin, Daisy, had went there before and drew pictures, told him facts and showed him photos that her mother had taken for her. From that day onward, Luke was destined to visit the outstanding city and he was able to be alongside the love of his life whilst he was at it!

He gazed down at his husband who was texting his mother as he gave a small, gentle smile. He tapped the mauves shoulder as he waiting for Zanders reaction. Just as the shorter male looked up, Luke gave him a small kiss on the thorehead before turning back to the window. Zander covered his face in embarrassment as his cheeks flushed in a deep red.

It was currently 6PM actually and they were apparently supposed to get to their destination at approximately 11PM. Luke sighed in bordem as he stared out into the beyond.

Blankets of lush, green flew over its surroundings as the tips of it brushed together in the cooling wind. You could just see multi-coloured butterfly's flying through the spiky, points of the grass and miniature lilacs and sunflowers. The sky was starting to darken into a deeper blue with a small but gorgeous orange hue flowing through it.

The aubrun-haired males eyes were mesmerising the view until Zander nudged his shoulder, "I'm hungry.." He mumbled as he fidgeted with the straps of his bag. "Wait a moment, I'm sure some people will come down with food. Just hang in there, hunny." Luke reassured as he pulled Zander onto his lap so he could get a better view.

Zanders periwinkle eyes widened at the astonishing view as Luke watched in awe. Soon enough, Luke was infact correct because I plumb, young women walked down the aisle with a huge trolley filled with snacks. Luke bought an orange juice and grape juice along with a few bars of chocolate before thanking the kind brunette.

Zanders lips flew straight into a smile as he climbed off his husbands lap and took some food. He opened up tiktok on his phone as he allowed Luke to snuggle closer to him and watch his screen.


A few hours had passed, it was 9PM, 2 hours to go... Zanders body actions had begun to weaken as he grew slower. Luke realised this as he begun rummaging through his bag. "What are you looking for, love?" The older male questioned with a small yawn.
"A blanket. You look exhausted." Luke replied as he finally pulled out a small blanket that could go over Zanders shoulders, "I hope this'll do. I'll try and warm you up aswell." Zander smiled at Lukes kindness as he pulled the soft piece of material over his shoulders as he leaned into his lover.

He placed his head onto Lukes shoulder as his soft, locks of ombre hair tickled Lukes neck. His arm was wrapped around Lukes waist as Lukes was tugged around his. The autumn-haired man, leaned his head onto his husbands before Zander had frantically fallen asleep. Lukes smile merged even bigger as he heard the soft yet adorable snores escaping Zanders mouth.

He quickly kissed his forehead before whispering,

Sweet dreams, beautiful..

Hope this can keep you guys waiting 🙏

Hope you have a good day or night!!! ●○

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