Why are you so distant?

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Im debating on making you all ball your eyes out or not for my next fic >:) this one will be cute don't worry!


When I got home I was having some internal gay crisis. I know I'm gay, it's quite obvious at this point. I try to make myself seem more feminine just so people get the memo, you know? Fuck, my parents found out before I even did myself! I'm sure everyone at school would have known even if I dressed in soccer gear 24/7.

But Cody, gosh he was cute but I hated him so much! How was this possible? I mean he would never date a sarcastic know it all like me, though I'm 99% sure he's straight anyway.

Our argument when we were younger broke me, it really did. I still don't believe it was my fault or am I just petty? Who am I kidding, it was totally my fault, would I apologise? Im not sure now. Im usually never the apologising person but Cody just finds a way to squeeze himself into my heart.

I had screamed at him for being so clingy to me, he's always clingy but this time he ran off crying, I felt bad. We never spoke again. I don't even know what's wrong with the dude but why am I starting to feel.. bad?

Why am I simping over some geek? I don't like him and that's that!

I decided to just sleep on it, I would never get with him anyway so why was this stupid feeling for Cody taking over me like some parasite? Cody was stuck in my head 24/7.


I woke up at 7:00am and got dressed for school, I decided to try mimicking Noah's style, why? I have no idea he just looked so.. attractive like that. Not in that way! I want girls to look at me!

Do I? I keep flirting but failing and I'm pretty sure I don't even have a crush on any of the girls I flirt with! What is wrong with me?

This is definitely normal, right?

Anyway, why had Noah left so abruptly yesterday after I tried comforting him? Did he not like Harold? I mean, he definitely still didn't trust me, I had ignored him for years so I guess this is what I deserve.

I couldn't help thinking it, the stupid argument wouldn't leave my mind. Noah had got mad at me for being clingy, annoying and too happy. I mean, I couldn't help my ADHD now, could I?

I had been diagnosed a year ago so I didn't blame Noah for not being more considerate because I didn't even know then.

I decided I was going to pluck up the courage to ask him to be my friend! I mean, what could go wrong? Probably everything but that's not the point.

I tried dressing in Noah's style, I put on a white polo and a yellow vest, some eyeliner and rings on both hands. I looked so gay, why did this suit me? I mean it would make Noah happy if I wore this so I didn't care!

I arrived at school a bit later than usual as the car broke down so i had to walk, typical. I wasn't necessarily late which was good.

I sat next to Noah in first period today, weirdly he wasn't speaking to me?

"Hey Noah!" I exclaimed, trying to strike conversation. No response.

We sat in silence for a bit before I pulled his head up and asked, "why are you so distant Noah?" It came out a bit more teasingly which made me blush in embarrassment. Noah was blushing too, probably embarrassed.

"I don't know, still mad at you." Noah had at least confirmed my suspicions.

I waited for the teacher to turn back around before I blurted out "imsorrynoahididntmeantoijusthaveaconditionandidontknowimsosososorry!"

"Slow down dude!" Noah chuckled a bit which made me smile.

"I'm sorry Noah, I didn't mean to I just have a condition and I don't know - I'm so so so sorry!"

Noah's eyes watered a bit but he quickly wiped away his tears, weird. Noah never cries.

"I'm sorry, I guess I was a bit harsh on you," Noah breathed out. Probably a sigh of relief.

"Friends?" I asked excitedly.

Noah rolled his eyes answering, "acquaintances." Good enough I guess?

"Acquaintances," I struggled to pronounce back and shot Noah a toothy grin.


My heart honestly almost melted when Cody smiled that little gapped toothed smile he always did. Why was he so cute? I didn't like Cody right? Who was I kidding, even someone in space could look down and tell I had a crush on Cody.

Cody had apologised which was fine but I felt horrible! Cody had had a condition all along and I didn't even care about his feelings or anything!

I turned to Cody and muttered, "why didn't you tell me?" I was a bit upset I was never told if I'm honest, this whole thing could have been avoided!

Cody looked around the room hesitantly, obviously wanting me to keep this a secret. Luckily I had nobody to tell anyway unless you count my dog but I don't think he classifies as a person.

"I was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago," Cody whispered with tears in his eyes. I honestly wanted to cry for him too, he seemed super insecure about it.

Before I could say anything, the bell wrung and we headed off to our classes, separate ways.

All I could think about was Cody the whole geography class, I felt so guilty. Then again - Cody didn't even know he had it at that time which made me feel better.

Cody seemed really upset about having it, though honestly? He shouldn't feel bad about it, he was still the same old Cody with or without it. I loved him for his personality, his smile, his everything.

Once lunch rolled around I waited for Cody on the bench as usual, surely enough he waved at me while I nodded as he sat down next to me.

"Hey Noah!" Cody then inhaled a bit before continuing. "If you don't want to be my friend after earlier it's fine.. it's just-"

"Cody I'm sorry," I blurted out, wow, me feeling sorry? You don't see that everyday. "I see you feel really insecure about it and I just want to let you know your still the same Cody either way, diagnosed or not." Before I could even breathe Cody hugged me tightly, I blushed a deep red until he finally let go and smiled.

Whispering, "thank you," Cody then began to eat his lunch. I was so happy that was out of the way if I'm honest.

I think I could get used to being around Cody a bit, yes he could be ridiculously annoying but that's just his personality, I should accept him like this! Right?

I'm not very good at 'friendships' so naturally having someone as bold and outgoing like Cody as a friend isn't such a bad thing, I didn't have to even say anything.

I still felt a pang of guilt but chose to ignore it, I never felt sorry! Then again, i did give Cody some speech about him being the same Cody as before. Kind of cheesy I know.

I could help it, he was in a bad place! I couldn't stand there and do nothing. Why was Cody so special to me? He always came first even before my family sometimes. I mean obviously I liked him but maybe a bit too much? At least I wasn't some Sierra 2.0.

Sierra was this girl in 5th grade who wouldn't leave Cody alone, luckily she moved away back to England after her parents found out.

The whole time I protected Cody, I now realise, even then, I loved him.

I knew I could never be with him but there's no harm in having a small crush is there?

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