You like your boys insane?

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Totally forgot about this fic so this will be the second to last chapter! Chapter name has nothing to do with the fic whatsoever I just love the song.

As the other band (who obviously weren't as good as us) sung, we waited backstage.

Kitty and that bitch Emma had left (thank god) so me and Harold ran around chasing each other while Noah scrolled on his phone.

While I had caught Harold in a headlock someone ran over to us, "get ready as your on for the reward ceremony in 5."

As she walked away I jumped up and down excitedly, we were so close to winning! "I really hope we win!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be so sure of yourself, many homophobes could have watched that performance," Noah stated nonchalantly, staring back at his phone. Was he upset with me?

Tears pricked in my eyes as Noah's eyes were still glued to his phone, typical. Did he hate me? Did he really hate me?

I ran off sobbing, if he didn't care about me I didn't care about this stupid award! We weren't even that good! I shut the bathroom door behind me and hugged myself, crying.

Nobody cared about me, not even my parents! They would have never come to this place if they didn't hear how much the prize money was! They would probably criticise me when I got home anyway!

I held held my head between my knees, I couldn't care less! Let them hate me! I clutched the knife in my hand tightly.


I looked back up to see Cody running off, tears in his eyes. What the hell? Harold looked at me angrily before continuing to pack up. What have I done?

Before I could run after Cody, I was dragged onstage for the awards. Everyone was a bit confused about where Cody was but nobody could find him, weird?

Even if he was upset, he would have definitely come back to see if we had won.. did he not care? Had something happened to him?!

I stood there, a fake smile on my face while they proceeded with the awards, I wish Cody was by my side. He always made me feel better.


We had won! I didn't feel happy. I was only happy when Cody was around, I needed him. He always made me feel better. Much better.

Harold gave a whole speech which I had to sit through, I wanted to run off but I couldn't. Guards surrounded the place, I would be stopped and questioned on what was wrong anyway so there was no point even making a fatal attempt.

"I'm very proud of how far me, Noah and Cody have come.." Harold stated after rambling on for 5 minutes straight. It didn't feel right.. Cody wasn't here to cheer him on, to hold my hand.

I motioned for Harold to end the speech there and when he did I quickly walked offstage, trophy in hand. I didn't feel like a winner.

Once we got backstage I ran off to find Cody, I knew where he would have gone.. where he always does.

I burst open the bathroom door in to which find a bunch of bathroom stalls, one shut.

I couldn't hear any breathing, any sign of life, "Cody?" I was now shaking. Did something happen?

My blood ran cold as I spotted the blood leek out from under the bathroom stall. No.. NO!

I pounded on the door now, "CODY? CODY? SOMEONE HELP HIM!" Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed. Nobody could hear me.

I suddenly spotted a hair pin on the side near the sink, weird for a men's bathroom but okay. I had learnt how to lock pick from the many YouTube tutorials 13 year old me had curiously watched. I was sure I could break the door open!

I inserted the hair pin into the lock and twiddled it around a bit, it took a while since I was shaking and you had to find the exact spot to you could.. *pop*

The door creaked open as I spotted my worst nightmare, no..

Cody was laid out across the floor, hand. The knife being stabbed into his arm.. Cody's hand gripped firmly around What had I done?!

My hands shook as I picked up my phone and dialled 911, holding Cody's lifeless body in my arms.. this could have all been prevented if I had just ran after him! I was such a terrible person!

I sobbed quietly, I loved him so much and he-he's dead..! No! He couldn't be! They could help him! He was just...unconscious! Right?


I was pulled out of the bathroom by some ambulance crew so I couldn't see the scene that was taking place. I wish I could have thanked that kind ambulance lady now but I just screamed at her to let me see him.

I needed to see him.. it could be the last time!

I heard shouting as the door burst open and Cody was carried out on a stretcher, oh god! I burst into tears as the lady hugged me tight, "let me ride with him to the hospital..please!" I cried out.

"Sir.. what is your relation to this boy?" The lady raised her eyebrows at me.

I took a deep breath, "he's my boyfriend miss! Please!" I hugged her tightly while she nodded her head, escorting me inside the vehicle.

I gripped onto Cody's hands tightly, not wanting to let go. "His heart is still beating," is what a medic had told me.. that was good news at least.

I cried and cried as Cody was rushed into the hospital room. I had to wait in the waiting room for him! How cruel was that?

I just hoped he survived.. I had caused this whole thing! What if I had killed my own boyfriend?!

I broke down at the thought, half an hour later Harold arrived, at least I could talk to someone.

"Hey Noah.." Harold smiled awkwardly at me. He knew I was upset and probably didn't want to make it worse. I didn't blame him.

I threw myself into his arms and cried, he awkwardly patted me on the back. Obviously trying to comfort me, he didn't do a very good job but he was trying at least?

We sat down for a bit as I rambled on to him about how I felt so bad, Harold understood. At least I had someone there for me..? I'm not a monster..right?

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