The knockouts

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I'll be picking some of my favourite songs just because I can (Cody is so Lana coded!) Going to probably have like 2 more chapters then I'm starting something I'm super excited to write omg-


We had won our first two battles so now it was the 3rd round, I'm usually quite nervous but I was getting the hang of things! The last battle was pretty easy, it was us up against two girls called "The Sisters" kind of basic if you ask me. They weren't the best but the older one wouldn't stop staring at Noah with love-struck eyes.

Was I jealous? Of course I was! If this girl thought she could steal MY boyfriend she has another thing coming!

Once we got backstage after our victory I spotted the girl, who I had now learnt name was Emma staring at Noah.

I was livid, I stared at her, with a look of evil in my eye. I really wanted to strangle this girl! Then she smiled at me while walking over to Noah. This bitch!

I pulled Noah closer to me and stared him in the eyes while he looked a bit shocked by the sudden movement with no warning at all.

"May I?" I teased and kissed him passionately on the lips, pulling away after a few seconds. Noah stared in awe but he was blushing hard, I knew he loved it.

I looked back over at Emma who had tears in her eyes, I smiled my gapped toothed grin and winked at her before putting my arm around Noah giggling.

After this, she ran off crying to her sister. I honestly didn't feel bad, she tried to steal my boyfriend!

Noah looked up from his phone, still with my arms around him and stared at Emma. I got a bit jealous at first but then he looked back at me in realisation and burst out laughing. Rude much!

"You seriously did that because you were jealous of this girl?" Noah snorted with laughter.

"Maybe," I laughed, hugging him tighter. Noah was honestly the best boyfriend you could ask for. He was kind- to me, loving- to me and stood up for himself which is something I could never do. I admired him for his bravery, courage and need to protect me. He was cute.

Noah looked up from his phone again and slowly lifted his hand to to caress my cheek, was this a dream? "Nobody, and I mean nobody will take me away from you, got it?" Noah said lovingly but also quite sternly which shocked me.

"What if I was a worm?" I blurted out in which Noah stared in pure annoyance and quite in shock actually.

"No." He said nonchalantly before returning to scrolling on his phone which I could now see he was scrolling through instagram. He forgot to bring a book so I guess his phone was the next option. Why wasn't hugging me the next option!

"Ohhh cmooonnnn I would be a cute worm!" I giggled, lifting his head up with my index finger.

"Mhm sure I would one hundred percent date a worm that would probably die after 2 days!" Noah sarcastically replied rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Look! I so would be!" I protested as I got up from the couch.

"What are you doing Cody..?" Noah asked confused.

"Look I'd be a cute worm!" I got down on my knees, then stomach then started wiggling around on the floor like a worm.

"See!" I giggled pretending to nibble his feet in which he pulled away laughing.

"Cody what the fuck?" Noah was now in hysterics rolling on the sofa laughing!

"Come onnn join me worm buddy!" I joked pulling at Noah's feet.

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