Importance of Morning Prayer

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Guyz, its important to prayer daily to Our Almighty God.We prayer at different times..some pray at morning,some at aftrnoon and others at evening.

But you should wake up early morning to pray.Early morning prayer is very important. If you start your day with prayer your whole day will go jst awesome.You will be filled with his holy spirit and your life will be soo amazing..

In bible we see about Daniel who was faithful to God.He used to pray 3 times a day.And hence God was with him always. People tried to kill him but they couldn't because God saved him. Friends, God loves You too..So start praying early morning and see the change in you...I assure you that you will be a changed person and your life will be soo joyful.

How morning prayer changed my life??

Guys, whenever i remember my previous life I just thank God for changing my behaviour.During school days I was very aggressive and short tempered and due to this my life was horrible and there wasn't any peace in it..I used always criticise others and quarrel with my mom & dad. I was surrounded by problems, I was in complete darkness..I had even thought of ending up my life..But friends God is really great he loves you so much.He gives us time to repent and change..God gave me a chance too.As I started attending the church and spending time in his presence I could feel as if God is saying me to change my aggressive behaviour. So I started praying to God daily.I asked God to change my behaviour.And friends, God helped me.He changed my life completely. Now there is peace in my life.I respect and obey my parents & talk to my friends politely.

Nothing is impossible for God. All you have to do is Call out to him, speak to him and even cry out to him and pray..Your tears are valuable to God.He will wipe away your tears and strengthen you.

SO if anyone of you is facing problems and can't find a way out of it.Just do one thing -'PRAY'. PRAY to him and he will give you peace. He is our refuge, our protecter, our redeemer.

"Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened And I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

This verse tells us that God is ever ready to help you..
Tell all your problems to the Lord and he will surely help you. I hope all your problems will soon vanish..Pray to God early morning and see the happiness and peace he gives you..

Thank you for reading. Jesus loves you..Always be happy and joyful. :)

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