How to face trials?

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Every christian has to face trials & tribulations in life.But the question arises why do we face trials???
Friends, God loves us a lot & he wants us to be perfect, without any blemish or spot that is pure & holy.And to make us perfect & faithful he brings trials in our life.

Remember that trials are to mould & shape us.I know its difficult to be firm during trials BUT as a christian we have to stand firmly as this is the time which brings us closer to God.
When God blesses us with all the good things we thank him but when there are trials do we thank him????? Most of us don't.
We have an example of Job fron the bible- He was a faithful person & trusted God.please read book of job from the bible....
Even though he lost everything in life he still trusted God.....Similarly we should stop worrying about our problems and be happy cause God has a plan for each one of us...He wants to use us for his glory....But sometimes we don't allow God to work in our life by complaining and not spending time with him......But even though there are trials in life we should face it and praise God...I know it's difficult but believe me God always has a better plan and if we live accordingly he will make you a very successful person....

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