Testimony continued... Heaven

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He said, "Servant I will show you many things, I will show you the streets of gold and the crystal sea, so you can go and tell My people the grandeurs that I have for them."
We soon arrived to a place with beautiful streets, so beautiful. I
have never seen or touched such things on Earth. The streets were shining! The Lord said, "My servant, touch this street of gold, because you and My people will live here, because here My people will ride very soon." I saw the reflection of the Lord
and me riding together.

After that we arrived at the crystal sea, it was so beautiful. While I was riding with the Lord through that precious sea He told me, "My servant, all this is not Mine, all this is for My
people. All that you can touch I have prepared it with so much love for My people." Then He said, "Servant come here, because I will show you other things."
We then arrived in a beautiful place where I could see the glory of God, and feel His Power. It was a big beautiful place. I saw many tables, so I asked the Lord, "Lord what are all these tables are for?" He said, "Servant, remember the Wedding of the Lamb, remember that on these tables we will celebrate the Wedding of the Lamb." I saw countless numbers of tables, and I could not see the end of them. There were angels at each table, so I asked the Lord, "Lord, why is there an angel at each table and at each chair?" The Lord said, "My servant, these angels are decorating the tables, these angels are getting ready each table because I am already preparing everything."

Dear brothers, those tables were so shiny; all of them were made of gold. The tables were very nicely decorated. I saw how each angel was putting on the fork, the knife, the spoon, the glasses, the dishes, all made of gold, so beautiful. The Lord told me, "Servant, tell My people to get ready because very soon I will take them with Me so they can come here and enjoy with Me in the Wedding of the Lamb."It was so beautiful; the presence of the Lord could be felt there, such glory and majesty! The Lord said, "Servant, come here because I will show you other things." We arrive at a place with many beautiful doors, so many beautiful doors. I said, "Lord what's behind those doors?"

He said,"Behind these doors are My disciples, behind these doors are My apostles, behind these doors are all those who once walked over the Earth praising and glorifying My Name."


We began to ride again and arrive at a door that was half-opened, and the Lord said, "Servant come here, come here because behind this door is Mary. Get close and hear what she is saying, so you can go and tell My people, so you can tell the people how Mary is suffering." I got closer and saw a young lady, such a beautiful young lady, so beautiful, her face was so pretty. She was looking through a very tiny window. She was kneeling down and looking to the face of the Earth, crying with tremendous pain.

She said, "Why are you worshiping me? Why, if I do not have any power! Why are you worshiping me? I do not do anything! Do not worship me! Do not bow before me! For I cannot save you! The only one that can save, the only one that can redeem you is Jesus, who died for all mankind! Many people say that I have power, that I can perform miracles, but that is a lie! I do not do anything! Almighty God was satisfied with me and He used my womb so that Jesus could be born and save everyone, but I don't have any power. I cannot do anything! Do not bow before me! Do not worship me! For I am not worthy of worship. The only one that is worthy, the only one that you bow before and adore is Jesus! He is the only one that heals and saves!"
I could see how that young lady was in such tremendous pain, full of anguish and crying. She said,"No! No! Do not worship me! Why do you bow before me? I don't do anything!" You see dear brothers, it was a tremendous thing to look at this young lady, how she was crying with such pain and sadness.

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