Characteristics of a Godly woman

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Being a godly woman in a modern world isn't easy.The world's idea of modern femininity surround us.
You can't be a godly woman if your not living a godly life. It takes time to become a godly & spiritual woman. Here are some of the characteristics of a godly woman.

1) She trusts God:
     A godly woman always trusts God. She prays daily and meditates on the word of God. In order to become a godly woman you have to set aside a special time eachday to study your Bible & talk to God.Atleast try to read one chapter each day and also there are many bible reading plans on the bible app.

2) She is modest:
    A godly woman always seeks to be modest.People see the outward appearance but God sees the heart of the person.So it's important to stop focusing on your appearance.
Proverbs 31:30- "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the  Lord,she shall be praised."

3) She is Fearless:
    A woman who hopes in God is not afraid because she knows her God. She isn't afraid of sickness.She is not afraid of the future because she knows that God is with her always. So stop being afraid about your future, your marriage, etc. God has the best plan for each one of you.You just have to trust him.

4) She is Holy:
   A godly woman always seeks to be holy in her conduct.She is righteous.You have to be a holy woman and free yourself from sins.In this world there are so many addictions, lust, temptations and many Christians are drawn towards it and their life become miserable.We all are sinners but once you have confessed your sins to God he is ready to forgive you. In the bible, the Pharisees brought the women caught in adultery to Jesus.And they said to him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery. "and the law of Moses commanded to stone such people. But Jesus said to that woman,"I forgive you,go and sin no more"
So if anyone is still struggling with sin, fornication, lust, pornography, drugs, alcohol, adultery ,etc you just have to confess your sins to Jesus.He is always ready to forgive you and henceforth don't sin again,because sin separates you from God. Lead a holy life.

5) She seeks to serve others:
     A godly woman is caring and humble.She always extends her hand to serve others and pray for them. If you see any of your friends, family members in trouble you should always be there to help them out and pray for them.

So guys these are some of the characteristics of a godly woman.Continue praying and trust God he is always there to help you out. God bless you all 😊 Please watch the above video " Be a girl who lives with vision, passion and purpose" from Girl Defined ministry. Hope you enjoy this video.


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