Day 9

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Brother: A Troublemaker Companion

Brothers are very different from all your usual life companions. They will annoy you everytime. Walk around you like your shadow for 24/7. Make you feel like you don't matter to them but that's where you were tricked.


These creatures named brothers tend to love you way more than they show. The hidden masterminds is what fits them. They would hide their problems and tension with such ease that you would be astonished.


Beware of their innocent face because they hide their pains and irritate you for your sake. Have you ever wondered why they are like this? All of them? The simple answer to these questions is love.


Love is something that can take a person to an extent which no one could ever reach without it. There are several types of love but brotherly love can never be matched.


Oh my brother who hides behind that mask. How sorry I am to hate you. Annoyed by your presence when all you say was my good.


How tender you are to forgive me with a smile for such a sin which even god wouldn't overlook. Is there a limit to your love? How foolish I was to call you an idiot when it was me who was being fooled by that act of yours.


Oh my brother you are my troublemaker companion whom I want to stay with me forever.

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