Always With you

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Backstory of Taesan ( 3 years ago)

3rd person pov---

Soenduk International High school, known as one of the best high schools in Seoul.

For its high contribution to Sports, Music and Education. Every year a lot of Idols, Athletes and Golden Students grow here.

" I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THE SELECTION MATCH, YOON." a cheerful voice Ecod through the hall.

" You'll fall if you jump too much, Domgmin-ah." The female voice replied.

Students at the hall started fangirling at the Most popular couple of the school. Even though most of them never really liked Yoon for her attitude, Taesan was so loved.

Taesan smiled at them holding his girlfriend's hand proudly. He was in love, deeply in love.

" Yo, you lovebirds should think about the poor souls of the school before being lovey-dovey yk." A male voice Ecod before hugging them both.

" Then get yourself one, Minho." Yoon said mockingly.

" Believe me, I'll get the most beautiful girl in the school and gag y'all." Minho said fixing his tie.

" But the most beautiful girl in the school is Yoon though, and she's already mine." Taesan said proudly.

" Ah..Here we go again. Forget it, how about the soccer selection match Domgmin-ah? Are you ready?"

"I'm so ready. Let's play really well and both get selected in the national  Junior team." Taesan said giving Minho a high five.

" Domgmin-ah, your class is here. You should go." Yoon said quite uninterested.

" Sure baby. Take care of yourself okay." Taesan said giving her a light hug before running of to his class.

Just as Taesan was out of site Minho dragged Yoon by waist into a empty class before kissing her hungrily.

"Slow down, babe." Yoon said between the kiss.

" I can't babygirl, everytime he touches you my body burns. I just want to pull the life out of him."

" Wasn't it your plan anyways? You made me flirt with him just to distract him from the soccer team."

Yoon said pouting.

" Was it worth it? He's still the best player. If he plays in the selection match, there's no chance for me."

Minho let out a frustrated sigh.

" Then do something, make him stop from playing, not only in the match but forever." Yoon said with a smirk.

" What?"

" You know he the bridge area near the river, his middle class ass always comes to school using the road on his broke ass cycle. The road is pretty quiet and not reserved, get your thug friends and finish him off. "

" Woah Yoon, smartass. Literally planning to kill your own boyfriend huh?"

" Boyfriend my ass, that fucker really humiliated me when I proposed him, I still remember him saying me to change my attitude if I want to have him. I really had fucking act like a good girl and say sorry to everyone just to get him. His deep love now will pull him into the deep river, lifeless."

Yoon said smirking before starting their makeout session again.

----A Week Later ----

Competition Day____

Taesan was crossing the bridge enjoying the fresh air from the river, it was usual for him. He always liked the road. Also it's the other way from his house, instead of his father's big cars he preferred his cycle his grandma brought him years ago.

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