Breath! You Can Face That Crowd

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Having stage fright to face your audience. The obsession with perfection sometimes makes us more flawed. Your most revised speech within a blink of an eye would go to nothing. With stage fright, sometimes, you can forget your name and even lose your senses to see, speak, or move. Which is even worse if not well addressed.  As writers,

The goal is to control your fear, and not allow your fear to control you. It's okay sometimes to stutter while speaking but do not let that fear control you. It makes you look foolish, go blank, skip important points/topics of your speech. Fear or stage fright is an equipment to failure. It may seem difficult to accept but you can control your fears. The fear of facing so much crowd. Perfection is not a goal of your presentation. Consider each speech as an opportunity to convey information and benefits to your audience.

How to overcome stage fright?
First, start with breathing exercises, inhale and exhale from your lower stomach. Do not shout while speaking. It only makes your voice crack and sound nervous. Instead, use a low, deep voice. It signifies dominance and intelligence.

It is natural to thank the person who introduced you and grab their attention by briefly introducing yourself. You can also with a sensible joke or an adage. It's okay to smile. This way, you know and relate better to your audience.

Does the feeling of speaking in front of a camera or microphone heats your heart? Simply practice at home and while on stage, remember how outspoken you want to sound and stand before that crowd. Speak from your heart rather than memorizing a whole speech. It's okay to make a mistake or two, people will forgive you. Breathe, smile, and speak from your life's relatable experiences. Make your your audience a little classroom by understanding more of the topic and you'll find it fun. There is no harm in practicing on your own. Start with short speeches first, then later, you can increase the pace and time.

Imagine a follower of your works finally meeting you. And on that stage or interview, you weren't yourself. Wouldn't that be heartbreaking? As a writer, you have to be prepared.


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