Links On How To Earn As A Writer

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As a writer, there are various avenues through which you can earn income. Here are some useful links to explore:

1. Freelance Writing Platforms:
- Upwork ( A popular platform connecting freelancers with clients offering writing gigs.
- Freelancer ( Another platform where writers can find writing projects in various fields.
- Fiverr ( This platform is known for offering a wide range of writing services, allowing you to showcase your skills and offer your writing expertise to clients.

2. Content Mills:
- Textbroker ( A content mill that connects writers with clients looking for articles, blog posts, and other written content.
- WriterAccess ( Similar to Textbroker, this content mill provides a platform for writers to find writing assignments.

3. Self-Publishing Platforms:
- Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) ( Publish your own eBooks and earn royalties from sales on Amazon.
- Smashwords ( An eBook distribution platform that allows writers to publish and distribute their books to multiple online retailers.

4. Blogging:
- WordPress ( Create your own blog and monetize it through ads or sponsored content.
- Blogger ( Another popular blogging platform that allows you to earn income through various means like ads or sponsored posts.

5. Writing Contests and Grants:
- FundsforWriters ( A website that shares information about writing grants, contests, and other opportunities for writers to earn income.
- Writer's Digest ( Check out their annual writing competitions and grants for writers.

Remember, earning as a writer requires persistence, honing your skills, and marketing yourself effectively. These links can provide you with valuable resources and opportunities to kickstart your writing career. Good luck!

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