George Weasley x OC: Katherine Smith pt.1* {fluff}

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A/N: This chapter is just a little background filler, the next chapter is filled with all the smut but I think it's important you read this one as well! — it's a lot of words I do apologise.

Katherine glared at herself selfishly in the windows foggy reflection as she made her way to the front door. She began to worry about her hair not looking fluffy enough: so she did it up with her hands and her makeup not being perfect enough to impress the critical family.

She took in a large deep breath before wrapping her hand around the broken metal knocker hanging lifelessly on the wooden door. An echoey sound bounced off the trees surrounding her as she waited patiently for somebody to let her into the warmth.

Katherine had been kindly invited to the burrow by her best friend Ginny for a traditional Christmas dinner, she only really took up the offer because she knew her crush George Weasley would be there in his baggy jeans and questionable top choice.

She decided to check on her breath one last time before the door began to open. 'Percy..' She gasped in surprise. 'Katy, come in' He smiled whilst pulling the door to its full climax.

The smell inside the loving family home was delicious and Katherine couldn't help but let a small sigh as she felt the fires warmth hug her cold figure. She spun herself around swiftly to face the curly haired boy once more, he hadn't changed a single bit since he left to work with his father in the Ministry of Magic.

She wrapped her surprisingly long arms around his waist and placed her head on his soft chest as she gave him an unexpected hug.

Katherine was close with all the Weasley's and knew every one of them in depth and detail that scared other people. Percy was the first of the family she met when he was in charge of teaching her how to be a beater in Quidditch, it took her by surprise to see him back for the holidays.

'Still a hugger..' He sighed whilst patting her back to signal he was finished with her generous welcome. 'I'm sorry perce' She laughed quietly to herself as she purposefully used her annoying nickname against him to watch his face drop.

'It's Percy!' He groaned sarcastically to give her the satisfaction she clearly wanted before running off to the kitchen to help his dear mother set up the large table. She smiled brightly to herself as her hand grazed softly over the wooden rails for the broken staircase.

Katherine began making her way slowly upstairs to find the friends she hadn't seen in what felt like an entirety. 'Gin..' She called out quietly incase bills little daughter was asleep in one of the many rooms. It wasn't long until she could hear footsteps making their way towards her, a large smile plastered upon her face as she opened the door to find both Hermione and Ginny standing in the frame already waiting for her.

'Kate!' They both squealed with pure excitement whilst embracing her into possibly one of the biggest hugs she'd ever received from somebody else. 'I missed you guys' She confessed quietly whilst stroking Ginny's smooth, silky red hair.

'Where's Fred and George?' She asked with a hint of confusion after being let free from the grip her two friends had on her. They looked at her with an unsure looks as they tried to come up with an excuse to tell the excited girl.

'George isn't home for the Holidays and Fred's staying at Charlie's for a while, him and mother had a tiny argument' Ginny told Katherine with a small bit of hesitation, she knew her friend had a thing for her brother. 'Oh..'

Katherine felt all the weight lift slowly off her shoulders since that meant George wouldn't see her as the mess she currently was but also felt the intense wave of sadness hit her right in the face knowing she might not see him for another month. 'That's okay.. just us three' She managed to spit out with a weak smile after standing infront of them in pure silence.

'Yeah' Hermione nodded with a small sigh. 'Ginny, do you know where George could be? Or why he isn't here..' Katherine asked, trying her absolute hardest not to let her voice crack whilst fiddling with the unnecessary amount of rings scattered around her long fingers.

'I think he said something about Diagon Alley but I'm not really sure but it doesn't really matter' Ginny informed her with a small shrug and her upset friend simply nodded.

Molly had called the three girls down for the awaited dinner and just by making their way downstairs they all could smell the delicious food lingering around in the air.

'Looks amazing Molls' Katherine smiled beamingly whilst complimenting the exhausted lady, she was so busy cooking she didn't even realise Katy had entered her mess of a home.

'Oh hello my dear, please all sit and eat!' She insisted with a soft serious face whilst pointing to all the food being neatly laid out along the large wooden table by some source of magic.

Katherine sat herself down in between Hermione and Ginny with the same large smile still plastered nicely upon her face. Molly had made some of her favourite foods and was teasing her with it by leaving it under her nose.

She couldn't of been more happy to be back with her friends and especially at a time like this where it's one of the happiest holidays of the year. She watched classic Ron shove all of the food on his plate into his mouth without any hesitation of getting told off by Molly and she payed close attention to Fleur's two small children whispering and playing with one another on the other side of the table.


'I don't think I have any more room for dessert..' Ron groaned as he leant out in his chair, patting his bloated stomach. 'That's because you ate extra's' Hermione laughed softly to herself with her head bowed, it was also clear that she had a crush on another one of Ginny's many brothers.

Ron rolled his eyes at the curly haired girl before bringing up a subject he'd already bought up plenty of times during the course of dinner. 'It's a shame Harry couldn't make it, something about his aunt visiting for the weekend' He sighed whilst pushing himself back into the table to reach for his cup filled with sparkling water.

Katherine kicked Percy's legs under the table for a hope of reaction, not a scream of pain but just a glance to grab his attention. 'Percy..' She hissed quietly whilst looking back at Ginny to make sure nobody saw what she was trying to do. 'Where's George..?' She whispered to the ginger boy who was finally looking her way.

'He opened a shop down Diagon Alley with Fred, they were both spending so much money and time down there that mother had a fight with them..' He confessed with a small sigh before turning his attention back to one of Fleurs children that was perched nicely on his left knee.

It all began to piece up for Katherine like a puzzle, Fred argued with Molly about the overspending for their company and it resulted in both him and George having to spend some time in Charlie's house.

Katherine was soon to be snapped out of her dreams as Ginny dragged her by the wrists back up the creaky stairs and into the room the three of them would be sleeping in for the night. She laughed along side Hermione as they both saw the mountains of sweets on every bed and the collection of dvd's Ginny had been collecting and planning for their movie night.

'What? This is the first time we're all seeing each other in basically three months' Ginny laughed quietly herself before throwing matching Pyjamas at the two girls in disbelief at the fairy lit room.

Katherine was two years older then Ginny and above Hermione in Hogwarts so she did at first find the situation a little childish but as the night went on she warmed up to the idea and eventually fell asleep on Hermione's lap as she plaited her hair into nice fish tails.

Goodnight Katherine..' Ginny smiled cutely before resting her head on her friends soft shoulder. Behind her laid Hermione who had fallen asleep by imagining small scenarios between her and Ron, the boy she's been getting mixed signals from. She hung onto soft pillow she described as 'amazing' whilst wrapping her legs in between Katherine's.

The three of them were all asleep by midnight and they were all full on the sugar supplied in the small pink and white striped paper bags. Molly checked up on them before dozing off herself and she couldn't help but smile at them when she saw them all intertwined with one another in the large bed big enough for the whole house to sleep in.

A/N: sorry this was long, the next chapter will now make so much sense ( enjoy all the smut, I get carried away when it comes to the twins aha! ) — I'm currently writing the next chapter, sorry for keeping you waiting...

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