A Desperate Plea

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A Desperate Plea
No one's POV

      Princess Amara walked down the stairs and hallways, trying to find Queen Ivy or King Victor. Shortly after, she heard someone running after her. Prince Hunter.

       Prince Hunter fixed his hair and put some clothes on. Princess Amara looked at him, then gave him a once over.

"Glad to see you have some clothes on."
"Yea.." Looking around nervously.
"Where are my cousins?"
"I sent them home."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your... time together."

      Not knowing the right words to describe the situation she saw. Not sure what to say to him.

"Who are you looking for?"
"I wanted to talk with your mother or father." Looking around nervously, "Even both about the situation."
"I'll help you look for them."

           Princess Armara and Prince Hunter looked around the different rooms but couldn't find them. Then, Prince Hunter wanted to look in the Great Hall. Prince Hunter whistled for Princess Armara to follow him. She nodded and stood in front of the guards to open the door.


         The grand doors of the Great Hall opened with a creak, revealing a magnificent room adorned with gold and rich tapestries. Princess Amara stood nervously at the threshold, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage, and stepped into the room.

         The king and queen sat on their thrones, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and surprise. A royal official bowed his head.

"Armara?" Queen Ivy questioned.
"Your Majesties," Princess Armara began, her voice quivering slightly. "I come before you today with a humble request."
"You don't have to be so formal." Queen Ivy smiled.

"This is a royal request."

         The king and queen nodded. The royal official bowed and walked away out of the room. The royal official knew who she was and who her dearly departed father was. He knew his ears weren't meant to hear what was going to be discussed. It would be a trivial matter or possibly something he could be eaten alive by her dearly departed father's lions. He was the Lion King after all.

King Victor leaned forward, studying the young princess. "Speak, Princess Armara. What is it that troubles you?"

         Princess Armara looked nervously at King Victor and Queen Ivy. King Victor, still has the side of his face burnt. Now he has white and gray hair. Queen Ivy, still beautiful and looked like she hadn't aged at all.

Princess Armara took another deep breath, her hands clasped tightly together. "Your Majesties, I have been studying our kingdom's trade routes extensively. I have discovered that our current trade is limiting our growth and potential. If we could expand our trade routes across the ocean, to distant kingdoms."

"Distant Kingdoms?" King Victor questioned.
"My father's old friends. We would be able to establish stronger alliances and secure more profitable deals with other kingdoms."

Queen Ivy raised an eyebrow, visibly intrigued by Princess Armara's proposal. "And how do you suggest we achieve this, Princess? What has your mother said about this?"

Princess Armara's voice grew more determined. "My mother said you were busy with the royal family and duties." Looking down.

         Trying to word it as carefully as possible. She didn't know if the royal gossip was true or not. You can't always trust gossip. King Victor and Queen Ivy could, might as well, wait until King Victor is on his deathbed to give up his throne to Prince Hunter.

"I propose that we borrow your fleet of ships, Your Majesties. With the royal fleet at my disposal, we can embark on a journey across the vast ocean, exploring new territories and establishing trade routes with distant kingdoms."

The King Victor and Queen Ivy exchanged skeptical glances.

"Princess Armara," King Victor said, his voice rising, "Sailing across the ocean is a treacherous endeavor. Our fleet has been carefully built and maintained for the defense of our Kingdom. It is not a tool for mere exploration. We have our own trades and fishing that we can't afford to not use."

She stepped forward, desperation now evident in her voice. "Your Majesties, I understand the risks involved, but I believe this is our chance to elevate our kingdom's prosperity." She paused, "I have to find a way to make my kingdom stronger and wealthier in 90s days. This is my best chance."

          King Victor nodded, and Queen Ivy looked down at Princess Armara upset. She has always thought of her as her own daughter. What King Logon is threatening her and her Kingdom is disgusting.

"We are missing out on valuable opportunities. By venturing into new Kingdoms, we can establish stronger alliances, access rare resources, trades and more money for both of our Kingdoms." She paused, "...And it could help me with the threat against my Kingdom."

        The room fell silent as Princess Armara's words hung in the air. The King Victor and Queen Ivy exchanged contemplative glances, weighing the potential rewards against the inherent dangers.

"She can use my fleet."
"Your fleet?" King Victor questioned.
"My fleet that was given to me for my birthday present."
King Victor's eyes narrowed at Prince Hunter, "You said you wanted to go on a trip with a few friends. Before tak-." He stopped what he was going to say. Because Princess Armara was in the room.

Finally, Queen Ivy spoke, her voice carrying a hint of admiration.

"Princess Armara, your passion for our Kingdom's growth and yours is commendable. We shall consider your request and discuss it further among our advisors and ourselves." Glancing at King Victor and Prince Hunter, "Rest assured, your proposal will not go unnoticed." She winked at her.

Princess Armara, smiled at Queen Ivy, "Thank you, Your Majesties. I shall eagerly await your decision."

        With a deep bow, Princess Armara smiled big at Prince Hunter and turned to leave the Great Hall, her mind racing with anticipation. She knew that convincing the king and queen to lend their fleet of ships would not be an easy task, but she was determined. Thank goodness that Prince Hunter was in the room with her, not busy with other Princesses.


      As the heavy doors closed behind her, Princess Armara prayed that her plea had touched the hearts of the monarchs. She knew that if she could secure their support, she would be one step closer to embarking on a journey that would change the fate of their Kingdoms forever.

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