King Nathan

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                              No one's POV

There was tension in the air as Princess Amara locked eyes with the infamous pirate, King Nathan. It seemed as though time stood still, and both leaders understood the power dynamics at play. Despite the fear that threatened to consume her, Princess Amara stood her ground, refusing to let her fear show.

King Nathan stepped forward, his charismatic presence commanding everyone's attention. He wore a mischievous smile that hinted at the schemes swirling in his mind. Princess Amara's loyal knights tightened their grip on their blades, ready to protect their Princess against this notorious pirate.

"If I'm not mistaken, that flag belongs to King Leo?"
"Yes it is. My father's."
"Father's." He paused and smirked at me. "Princess Amara, what a pleasure it is to meet royalty on the high seas," King Nathan said with a devilish grin. "I've heard tales of your beauty and courage."

Although Princess Amara felt a sword pressed against her side from her guards trying to protect her, she felt unshaken. "Save your pleasantries, King Nathan. I didn't invite you aboard my ship. What is your reason for coming aboard?"

King Nathan laughed boisterously. "Ah, a feisty one, I see. Well, my dear Princess, it seems we've stumbled upon each other's paths at an opportune moment. Tell me, what brings you out here, sailing through the treacherous waters?"

"The affairs of my Kingdom are none of your concern."
"That is where you are wrong. These waters are mine. I will ask again, what brings you out here."
"I am on a mission."
"What mission?" He said with an annoyed tone.
"I have to find a new way to build strong alliances and trade relationships between new Kingdoms."

A glimmer of respect flashed in King Nathan's eyes. "A noble cause, indeed." He nodded his head, looking around at his men and the Princess's guards. "But I'm afraid the sea is a dangerous place, especially for a young princess entangled in the affairs of pirates."

"I will do anything for my people and my Kingdom."

He nodded and a slight smile on his face in agreement.

Princess Amara, "Swords down. I think King Nathan and I need to have a conversation."
He nodded and turned to his people, "I think the Princess is right."

The Princess maid and the Princess walked into the Captain's room. King Nathan with his crimson coat followed the Princess to the Captain's room. The Captain of the ship followed and yelled for his second in command to take charge. Two of King Nathan's men followed them into the room.

Princess Amara's brow furrowed with suspicion. "What do you propose, King Nathan? Are you here to offer your 'protection' in exchange for my Kingdom's riches?"

The room fell silent.

The Princess smirked, "You knew my father's name and the rumors about me. You must know about my Kingdom's riches."

The malicious sparkle in King Nathan's eyes vanished, replaced by a mask of seriousness. "Perhaps you underestimate the danger that lies ahead, Princess. Pirates are far more ruthless." He paused, "I am here to propose an alliance—a temporary truce for the duration of your journey. Together, we can navigate these treacherous seas and ensure the safety of your ship."

King Nathan knows his ships can carry goods from merchants from all directions and different countries with different Kingdoms. A worthy trade partner.

"What would be your fee?" The Princess rolled her eyes. "Pirate tax?"
"Not exactly. I want a marriage contract and 50% of everything that is being sold."
"My ships can carry goods from merchants from all directions and different countries with different Kingdoms."
"Stolen goods?"
"Stolen.. traded.. bought.. Different ways." Devilish smirk.

Princess Amara thought about King Nathan's offer. She shook her head.

"No. I don't want my kingdom to deal with that kind of business." She paused, "Pirating business."
"Remember Princess, you are on my seas."

The Princess nodded.
"What if I refuse your offer?"
"You have one ship. I have many more ships at my command. All over these seas."

The Princess thought about King Nathan's offer, "Just 50% of everything that's being sold?"
"And the marriage contract."
"Why do you want to marry me?"

King Nathan looked around the room, all the men standing and staring at him. His men were chuckling and trying not to laugh. Everyone knew of the Princess's Amara beauty.

"I'm serious." Said in a serious tone.
"You are a beauty. Your kingdom's jewel." He smiles, "I want you."

After hearing that, it made the Princess uncomfortable. She shook her head again in disbelief.

"No. I can't marry you. You are a pirate."
"Alliances that you are in need for your kingdom's survival."

The princess felt angry and confused. She knew King Nathan was right. His alliance would help build a strong foundation for her kingdom. Possible rare resources, trades and even more important more money for her kingdom's economy.

She was confused. She didn't know King Nathan. How could she marry such a man?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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Trapped In His Darkness: King Nathan & Queen Amara Where stories live. Discover now