He wants to be my friend?

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I sat down beside him very cautious.

King usually didn't let people sit beside him, but he didn't seem to mind me sitting here him. This really bothered me.

Chisom always told me that King and I were the perfect match. I didn't see it, actually she was the only one that saw it, when she asked Mizu, the half-Japanese-half-Nigerian boy in class A and also the only guy I've seen King talk to friendly, he didn't agree.

Either ways, Chisom still forced me to try and get King's attention. Trust me when I tell you not to take advice from cliche highschool Netflix films, especially when the advice is about getting a Nigerian guy's attention.

She made me do everything, from tripping in front of him, to dropping my books 'mistakingly' when we 'mistakingly' bumped into each other. Those were the most embarrassing stunts I'd ever pulled and none of them worked because even after all that, he never spared me a glance.

The guy get pride sha.

"Funke and King, you guys can take tenses" Mr David said to us, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at King to ask if the topic was okay but his head was back on his desk.

This guy.

"Yes sir" I said to Mr David and jotted the topic down in my jotter. He gave other people their topics and explained that we were supposed to form a write-up on it and then explain as a group.

I wasn't too excited about this project, I hated working in a group, this time I hated it more since King was my group member.

I miss Chisom.


I couldn't bring myself to ask him about the project, I suspected he was just going to snub me. He hadn't said a word to me since I sat here, I was so bored, it made me miss Chisom more, I hope she is ok now.

Whoever that pushed her is going to pay.

At this point I couldn't wait for break. Usually I never left the class for break except when Chisom would force me, but today I just wanted to get out of here. I can't even go to the toilet because I went too many times and now Mr David won't let me. So I settled for discreetly using my phone so it doesn't get seized.

We weren't allowed to use our phone during class periods, so I was basically breaking the rules right now.

The bell for break rang finally, and I happily got up from my new seat to leave the class.

As I got out of the class, I was surprised to see Precious standing outside my class. I totally forgot about her.

"Funke!" she squealed, drawing the attention of some students. I smiled at her, more out of embarrassment than joy. She was drawing unwanted attention.

"You found my class!" I said trying to sound excited. Honestly right now I wanted to be alone, but I couldn't just leave her, that would be rude.

"Sebi you said you'd show me around?" she asked. I nodded, although I didn't remember ever saying that.

I guess I'll have to postpone my alone time to when I go home.

So I gave her a tour around the great and fancy O'heads Private School, one of the most expensive secondary schools in Nigeria. I showed her where all the labs were, I showed her the school's swimming arena, basketball court, tennis court. I showed her the field with the pavilion and tracks behind the school. I showed her the sickbay, the mini mart and then the cafeteria.

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