I Spilled The Beans

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So far everything was going smoothly.

The six of us sat closely together on the long sofa facing the TV watching a movie. The lights were turned of and everyone was focused on the film. Everyone except me.

I was sitting in the middle of Amanda and Chioma. Beside Chioma was King and on the other side of Amanda was Precious and Mizu.

I couldn't help but glance at my sides every few seconds. Precious was a bit angry because she couldn't sit beside King, but I guess the movie made her forget about it because the scowl on her face was replaced with a small smile and her eyes were wide as she stared at the screen. She looked very cute. Even if she was just a year younger than me, right now she looked like a little baby. As I continue to look at her I notice I'm not the only one, beside her Mizu kept on sneaking glances at her, I noticed this a few times.

Amanda didn't notice though, she held a throw pillow close to her chest. She wasn't a fan of horror movies, she'd jump at the slightest things, I was lucky she wasn't still clutching on my arm.

I turned to my other side where Chioma was sleeping, her head rested on King's shoulder, I couldn't phantom how someone can fall asleep watching a horror move. King on the other hand was wide awake, probably because of the girl sleeping on his shoulder. He didn't look comfortable as he kept on pushing her head from him. It almost made me laugh. There was the usual scowl on his face as he tried to concentrate on the film and get her head away from him at the same time.

I looked back at the screen to try and watch. There was a boy that was opening the door in a haunted house. I threw some popcorn in my mouth as I watched. The door slowly came open making weird creaking sounds. Everywhere was quiet as he looked into the room, pitch black, then suddenly there was a loud scream from the TV.

“AHH!” Amanda shouted bringing the pillow to her face and closing her eyes tight. The bowl of popcorn I was holding almost fell from my hand because of the sudden movement. I was startled, not by the scream from the film but from Amanda's shout.

“It wasn't even that scary” Precious said from Amanda's side, out of all of us, she was enjoying the film the most.

“That's for you, I'm not watching again. Can I get some water” Amanda said directing the last part to me.

“Sure” I said getting up, she did the same. I dropped the almost empty bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and stood up. Amanda also stood up with the pillow still in her hand.

“You guys are blocking the TV move!” Complained Mizu. Amanda rolled her eyes at that and threw the pillow at him. It didn't do anything though, because he caught it easily and just laughed.

I led her to the kitchen and as we entered she took a seat on one of the stools while I got a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

I gave it to Amanda and she accepted, opening the bottle immediately and taking a large gulp.

“I think I'll just stay here” She said as she drank “That movie is just too scary, if I have nightmares it's not going to be funny” She warned. I chuckled a bit at that.

“I couldn't really concentrate on it either so, I guess I'll stay here too” I say. It wasn't a lie. I was having a hard time watching it. I wasn't used to watching films with other people.

“And Mizu is just all over Precious, did you notice?” Amanda asked me. I nodded quickly.

“I thought I was the only one that was noticing” I said.

“Na, na, na, I saw them clearly, they were sitting beside me”

“I just thought you were focused on the film, with all the screaming” I say. She pouts in Mock anger after that, making me burst into a fit of laughter. After a while she joined in too.

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