I got invited to his house

14 4 11

I tapped my foot impatiently on the concrete, as I stood in front of the school gate.

School closed almost an hour ago and that idiot driver still hadn't showed up. Daddy was definitely going to hear of this. He's always delaying me, where could he have gone.


I turned to the sound of my name. The school had already almost emptied out so I wasn't expecting anyone I talk to to still be there.

When I saw it was King , I was less surprised than I expected. He usually left school really late. I knew because whenever he left school I was always waiting for my idiot driver to come, but he never spoke to me, even if he saw me standing by the gate, so that was the odd part.

"Yeah?" I said with my normal gentle voice, a bit unsure.

"Bye" He said with a smile as he waved at me then continued down the road.


Did he just smile at me and tell me bye? Did he just smile? He never smiles, or has he somehow become delusional and is mistaking me for Chisom? Did he get hit in the head? Was he actually dating Chisom and now he's having a hard time coping because she's had an accident, so he started hallucinating? Or am I the one with the mental problem? Have I finally become so delulu? What is going on?!

Earlier today, in the morning he was all grumpy and frowny, glaring at everyone, especially me, and now he's all smiles.

Even on a normal day you'd barely see him smile. Most of Chisom's friend talked to me, he was one of the few who didn't. Did he suddenly have a change of heart?

Honk honk!!

My head snapped in the direction of the noise. All my previous frustration and anger flooded back in at the sight of one of my father's black SUV.

Look who decided to show up, my driver.

I stormed over to the car, entered the back seat and slammed to door close.

"Do you know when school closed, no, in fact, " I say, cutting myself off "You know when my school closes, and your just coming now!" I said angry.

Isa, one of my two family drivers, ignored me and drove off. Of course I wouldn't just let him ignore be like that, I leaned forward and hit him on the shoulder.

"Funke na!" He whined "I dey drive, your own sef too much"

Like I didn't know.

"I'll tell my dad when we get home" I say relaxing into the car's black leather.

He just stayed quiet and continued driving.

I've know Isa for as long as I can remember, but he only became our driver two years ago. My mom is friends with his mom, our church member, so she convinced my dad to hire him since he was unemployed. He was young and agile so my dad thought hiring him as a driver would be good idea.

I keep on telling him gateman will fit him better.

Isa is the closest thing I have to a friend at home. Since I'm the only child, it gets very boring at home, I find entertainment in disturbing him. He's about 26 years old but he can complain about the smallest things just like a baby.

"Imagine what happened in school today" I begun after the long silence. There was really a lot to be said, so much happened today it's odd, nothing ever happens in my boring life.

"What?" He asked.

"Chisom, that my friend, fell from the top floor of the main building, they had to rush her to hospital," I explained.

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