chapter one

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It's the first day of summer break, i should be packing for the trip me and the rest of the grid are going on but instead, i'm sat on my bed listening to back to December, on face-time to Alice & lily, talking about anything and everything. I wasn't paying too much attention until i heard Lily speak.

"so, how are you and Oscar?" she said, she had this grin on her face, it was evil but in a sarcastic way, if that makes any sense. i just stared at my phone, not exactly knowing what to say. Me and Oscar were fine, i just had this feeling she was up to something.

"we're fine,why?" i don't know why i asked. i didn't want to know what she was thinking.

"well that's good because..." she paused, i just sat silently waiting for a response. Whatever it was couldn't be that bad,i thought.

"you guys are together for the trip.." 

"WHAT!" i thought wrong. there was silence, until Alice spoke.

"come on eli, its not that big of a deal. You guys are good friends. and.. you li-"

"yeah yeah" okay, i like Oscar, so what?? its not that big of a deal.

"okay guys, enough" Lily spoke "you guys need to pack, i know you do and so do i"

"yeah okay, meet in my room in an hour, and bring your stuff. also can you guys pick up bia?" i said, picking up my phone from the nightstand i had it on.


"yeah we'll pick her up an the way"

"bye guys!" i said hanging up the phone after they said there goodbyes. i turned up my music, never grow up had started playing. i walked straight to my wardrobe, i picked some shirts, hoodies, jeans and some sweats + my fave converse. Max keeps saying i need new shoes but i like the ones i have. i packed my bunny teddy, I've had it since i was young and now i cant go anywhere without it. i honestly don't give a fuck if people think its embarrassing. I then packed all the things i actually need, like bug spray, sun-cream ect..

*about about half an hour later Alice, Bia & Lily arived*

we were sat on my floor, just talking when all our phones went off, it was George in the gc

grid gang

PRINCESS GEORGE: are you guys ready 

ALICE: me, lils, bia and eli are

CHARLIE: so are me, lando, oscar, carlos, max and lewis

MICK: i think we all are

PRINCESS GEORGE: meet downstairs in 5?

ALICE: okay


MICK: alr

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