um thank you so much. (special thanks to @mercy1624)

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First of ball thanks to everyone we at 1.42k  reads that's 1,042 peopling reading my book and big thank you to everyone who has been voting I would to type your names but I can't remember all some people might be pissed.But lately someone keeps voting on some of my chapters so round of applause big thank you to  @mercy1624  for voting you even voted on some art and gacha's so I hope you have a good day afternoon or night ngl I'm supposed to be sleeping it's  1:25 am where I am so like I'm going to bed but big thanks to everyone your amazing people god bless pluuydoes anyone want a smut? (Sh*t I've cursed myself)

Bye weird 1's👋🏽☺️

Lego monkie kid(Lmk) x reincarnated F!reader Where stories live. Discover now