Bad weather part 2

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Lol just finished watching dawn of sapa right above me if you wanna watch.

Previously: mk was rushing to the weather station about how he is totally invincible. You talked to Rosey bla bla bla.


Redson is still sipping on that dumb*ss smoothy!

You unconscious asf😌

No lie it's the most sleep (y/n) will ever get be grateful.

Mk barged in.

Mk: Not so fast Redson!

Redson: Noodle boy I thought smelled some garbage turns out I was right.

*Insert villain laugh I guess*

Mk notices (y/n on Redson's lap which is an infuriating sight especially for Mei who is being held back by sandy.

Mk: is that (y/n) now I'm really gonna beat the sh*t out of you Doppler ganger crop hanger booty cheeks neat freak geek clean bean b*tch @ss!

Piggy: kid language!

Mk: whatever. Anyway you're laughing now but I'm invincible. So yeah your basically toast. Prepare to get M.K.O'd.

Mk swings the staff which is now very long In length.

Reminds me of the time I was on chai and the person who made the bot was talking about how someone said they put their 27 in long di-

Um anyway. Mk starts swinging it around back and forth doing nothing at all until

Mei: Ya Mk you show him who's bo-

Mei gets caught off as the staff falls back smacking her in the middle of her forehead.

Mei: ahh ow.

Pigsy: Ah jeez watch what your doing.

Mk: ah sorry Mei!

Once again the staff activates on its own it grows in length and swings around the room pigsy and tang manage to dodge. But sandy poor sandy was his face first.

Sandy: ugh my chakra!

Sandy lies on the floor motion less his soul leaving his body.

Tang: oh no you've killed him.

Mei who finally gets up put's Sandy's soul back in his body.

Mei: Ah, he's a big guy he'll be fine.

Mei lies on sandy tired after getting whacked with like 175,000 pound stick!

Mk holds the staff close looking like he saw a crack dealer getting kidnapped.

Redson: you dorks done beating eachother up yet!?

Mk: yes! And you're next in my list!

Mk tried plunging his staff in the ground and failed miserably it slipped out of his hands shortened itself as it was about to fall mid way it extended at hit Mk in the but or balls.

R.I.P Mk's balls.

Athena: this successor is much of a failure.

Kay: Ahh! Who did you get in my studio!?

Athena: The same way I always do. Mini bot M let me in besides I would have gotten in another way.

Kay glares at mini bot M

Kay: come on man! I made you and I can and will dismantle you! Traitorous rotting bucket of bolts!

Athena: nevermind eyes on the noodle boy.

Lego monkie kid(Lmk) x reincarnated F!reader Where stories live. Discover now