Chapter 0- Izzabella Shimura: Origin

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One small girl, around 6, sat on her bed. She wasn't very tall, and was definitely not the right weight for her age. However, the thing that stuck out the most was her long, shiny silver hair, and lilac eyes. She wore an oversized shirt with some jean shorts, and had dirty tennis shoes on her feet that were one size too big. Her name was Izzie, or as they called her, "Lavender".

She wasn't necessarily in danger, but she wasn't necessarily safe either. The ones who kept her gave her all she needed, but she had no freedom. She just lived the same life every day, wake up, eat, work, appointment, eat, work, eat, sleep. Unless she was sick, it never changed, of course, Izzie didn't see this as bad, since she never lived another way, it was her norm. So why does a small feeling in her chest tell her that it's not normal?

She wasn't the only one, there was one other, a boy, most likely 11-12, he had grayish blue hair, and was always itchy. His schedule was way different than hers. Wake up, eat, train, break, eat, business, break, eat, train, break, sleep. The 2 kids never saw each other, unless the older one was told to work on one of his breaks. His name was Tenko, or as they called him, "Tomura Shigaraki". 

The two of them weren't that different, in fact, they even shared the same blood. However, this was unknown to Izzie, who was the younger sibling. She knew nothing of why her and Tenko lived in the facility either, she was a baby when "The bad thing" happened, according to the doctor. All she knows is that she is an orphan, and that she was valuable to the doctor and his master. Izzie was happy to be of service, until she realized what he meant. 

The "appointment" Izzie went to every day, consisted of a change of clothes, a short walk to the room, a lot of pain, possibly a visit to the "infirmary", a walk back to her room, and changing back into whatever she was wearing before. In that period of pain, Izzie is put against a different power every day, depending on the Master's mood, he'd either go easy or hard. If she was good, she was allowed 5 minutes of outside time. Izzie loved the outdoors, it was her special treat.

By the time she was 8, Izzie learned the horrid truth behind her life. She wasn't a normal child, and she was most definitely not in a normal home. In fact, you can't even call it a home. It's more of a horror movie style lab. She knew at that moment that she wasn't supposed to be living like this, that it wasn't okay. If anything this confused her, this was her norm, how was this not normal? 

The ugly truth was found out on one specific day, it was May 18th, and she was 7. It was during her outside time, she was looking at flowers. A strange woman with blue hair, red glasses, and a brown coat had been keeping an eye on the little girl, and today she noticed a long scar running down the child's arm. It hadn't been there the previous day, and the woman sure as hell wasn't gonna let that slide. She made her way to Izzie, who looked curious at the sight of another person. 

"Hi sweetheart, what's your name?" Said the woman.

"Lavender" Izzie replied, she knew her actual name, but was taught to never reveal it to others. 

"What happened to your arm honey? That looks like it hurts" The woman sounded concerned, which caused Izzie to let her guard down ever so slightly.

"I got hurt" She says, it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't necessarily the truth either. 

The woman wasn't convinced, "What hurt you?" 

"Lightning! It was shiny and bright!" Izzie's big eyes shone with excitement, lightning was something new to her. 

"Lightning!? Did you get struck?" Izzie shakes her head, but then turns her head to the caretaker, who's coming her way. 

"Come on kid, it's time for lunch" He says, Izzie hops up, and follows him, but first she waves the woman goodbye. 

"Honey..that's not good" The woman's face is concerned, but she waves back anyway. 

Izzie took those words, and she thought about them, for weeks. Was this truly not normal? Was she just a tool, and did she not mean anything to anyone? The poor girl was stumped. She didn't know what to do anymore. However, this was the only life she ever knew, she couldn't just run away from it, so what does she do? 

One day, the appointments come to a stop. Her quirk, it was late, but she got it. Aura, that's what its name was. Izzie makes a substance, that substance takes a form, in the shape of a sea butterfly. The aura, when grouped up like this, has a mind of its own, controlled by Izzie. She is able to use this Aura to attack and defend, but if used for too long, she loses energy, and eventually collapses.

This quirk was interesting to the doctor, it was most definitely not common, and certainly wasn't one you could control very easily. Nevertheless, he researched her quirk. He looked into her family's history, and learned where it came from. Izzie's mother, Nao Shimura, inherited a somewhat similar quirk from her father, Chizuo. It allows her to give life to an object for 5 minutes, and she can only do this once per object. Izzie's father's quirk gave him the ability to make a substance, he could play with it, do what he wanted with it, but it was in-sentient. This resulted in the two quirks combining, giving Izzie a substance she could manipulate. 

That left him with a question, why was Tenko Shimura's quirk so different? Well, genetic manipulations are a thing, and apparently something in Nao and Kotaro Shimura's DNA didn't like each other at first. He was unlucky. 

Now, with Izzie's quirk figured out, he had to learn exactly how to use it for the benefit of his master, therefore, putting her appointments on hold. There's your explanation as to why the appointments stopped.

The doctor never could figure out how to duplicate and study her quirk, ever. Because it only answered to her. This wasn't Izzie's fault, and since he never told her what he was doing to her, he didn't punish her. So in some ways, the doctor wasn't that bad of a caretaker. 

One day, she got lost. This was multiple years later, Izzie was 13. The doctor and his master just didn't care, they had no more use for her now that Tomura Shigaraki was of age to be a "proper vessel" or whatever. So Izzie was on the streets until she found somewhere to stay. 

If I'm honest, being on the streets caused more issues for her than being the Master's punching bag. She had to learn to be cautious of her surroundings, and to be ready for anything, which did wonders for her reaction time. 

Now, Izzie is 15. She's recovered, but there's still something missing, and she's going to great lengths to find that missing piece. This is the story of how Izzabella Shimura found a place she was able to rely on, a place she could call home. Because when life takes you to unexpected places, love always brings you home.

I redid this because oh God it was fucking dramatic, is this any better? Lmao

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