Chapter 4- Fly High, Bella

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The first time I heard her name was back before the internships. Mr. Aizawa asked me to stay after class one day, and he told me about the girl they'd recently rescued. He choose me, me of all people, to be her first friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he trusted me, but at the same time, why? I wasn't anything special, and my quirk wasn't at all flashy, so why me?

The answer to that question is simple. He thought I could understand and adapt to her circumstances, as well as be someone she trusts. I don't know if I did a good job at the whole friendship thing, but I know damn well that she trusts me with her life, so in the end it's worth it to see at least one life that was changed because of my help. 

The day I walked into that hospital room was one I'll never forget. It was May 23rd, at the hospital on 45th street, room 208, when I saw quite possibly the saddest thing I've ever seen before. It was a girl, she was fragile, broken, scared, she had the prettiest silver hair I'd ever seen, she had scars along her shoulders, chest, stomach, even her thighs, but she still wore a smile  on her face. It was so hard to see the damage a human could do to a kid her age, and never get charged for it.

She was frightened when she saw me, her eyes wouldn't look away, as if she'd seen a ghost. They'd told her I was coming, but she still couldn't help being terrified, it was sad. I began with saying that the room was a bit cold, and fake shivering to see if that would relieve the tension. It worked. A small laugh passed through her lips, and she smiled. It was then that I told her my name, and she told me hers. Izzabella Shimura, the name of a girl who'd braved the worst before she was 10. 

After that day, she requested I come more often. I was allowed to skip class a couple times to see her, if it meant she was happier. Little by little, I could see her demeanor change. She went from shrinking back at the sight of someone unfamiliar to moving about her day as if everything was okay. I knew I'd played a part in her recovery, but I never imagined it'd be this big.

The nickname Bella was one I came up with. It was June 19th, her 15th birthday, we were watching a movie, I think it was beauty and the beast. She was emersed in it, nothing could break her concentration, except me apparently. It was that one part in the movie where they say that Belle's name means beauty, so I brought up the fact that her name had Belle in it. She looked at me, and silently begged me to continue. So I asked her "Hey, I don't have a nickname for you, so how would you feel if I called you Bella?" The smile on her face was so gentle, so genuine, and she agreed.

Her past was something I promised myself I'd never bring up. I knew how bad it was, I was horrified when Mr. Aizawa told me about it. She knew I knew about it, she'd given him permission to tell me because she trusted me. It was awful. I never want to hear anything that sad again. Which is why I've stuck by her side this whole time, nobody should have to go through what she did. 

Mr. Aizawa told me that she was joining our class after she was mentally stable enough to be around people. I figured it'd take longer than it did if I'm honest, but she's strong. Much stronger than me, so of course it didn't take long. I checked on her that night to make sure she wasn't in a full blown panic, and luckily she was just curled up on her bed, reading a book. She's already come so far, and I'm so proud of her.

I knew I wasn't in a good spot mentally around the first time I met her, at one point I wanted to kill myself, but after seeing Bella, a girl with a past that hard, still smiling, it changed something. Like I suddenly realized how much I had to live for. Even as a trans kid living in a world of people who mock and spit on me. I realized how loved I was. All my friends knew, and they didn't care, they just went along with their day and didn't ever bug me about it. Bella is that way too. I'm just happy to have people like her that understand that it's something I don't need to make my whole personality just to get transphobes to be nice. It's kind of refreshing actually.

I know this whole thing was kind of like a vent for me, and you probably got tired of it, but if you're reading this, and you read all my paragraphs, thank you. It means a lot. 

-Ejiro Kirishima


My head cannon that kiri is trans has been stuck in my god dam head for almost a year. I wanted to use it somewhere. Anyway, thanks for reading! Next chapter coming out is for my MHA next generation story! <3

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