Chapter 3- The meaning of Home

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It took a while before Izzie was able to escape. Everybody was asking her question after question, and frankly, she was tired of it. But of course, being the people pleaser that she is, she couldn't just leave. Mr. Aizawa was staring daggers at everyone who kept asking questions, until eventually they stopped, Izzie understood why, Mr. Aizawa staring at you in silence is almost worse than any punishment.

A knock on Izzie's door startled her, and she dropped the book she was reading. "Sorry Bella, I just wanted to make sure you were okay" She relaxed after hearing Kirishima's voice.

"Okay!" Izzie went to open the door, and let her friend in. 

"It looks real cozy in here, good job" Kirishima knew of Izzie's fight or flight nature, and how easily she was startled, so he made sure to keep it quiet for her. "What were you reading?" He said, looking at the book she'd dropped. 

"I think it's called.." She went back to the book and stared at it for a second, "Solitaire?" Izzie handed him the book.

"How far have you gotten?" Kirishima asked, flipping through the pages. Izzie started to get excited, 

"I'm almost done with it!" She smiled, and her friend started laughing. For a while, they just talked about random things, after Izzie was done ranting about the book of course. It was nice to have someone to talk to after today, someone who'd listen and laugh with her. Kirishima was someone Izzie could trust, he made her feel safe, and that reminded her of something. 

"Kiri, what does home mean?" She looked at her ceiling, which had lots of glow in the dark stars on it. Kirishima sighed, he had expected this question from her. "I mean like, how would you describe it?" She crawled back onto her bed, and continued reading the book. Kirishima thought for a moment, trying to think of an answer for his friend. 

"Well, for me, home describes a place where I feel free, where I feel safe, and comfortable. It can mean your house or even a store. Somewhere I'd call home is probably here in the dorms. I'm with all of my friends, and I don't feel like I have to hide anything here. As I said, I feel free." He said, giving Izzie time to think afterwards.

It wasn't long before she came up with her answer, but it wasn't necessarily a good one. "I've never felt that before" She mumbled, staring at the words on the page in front of her. Then, a certain sentence caught her eye. "All I know is that I'm here and I'm alive, and I'm not alone." Izzie read out loud, silently nodding that she wants the thoughts of her friend. 

"That's another thing, when you're home, you don't feel like a burden, or like you're alone, you're happy. "He said, not questioning things. Izzie motioned for him to braid her hair, it was something she enjoyed quite a bit. Kirishima sat down behind her and began to brush Izzie's long, silver hair. It was smooth.

"I want to feel like I'm home, but I don't know how long that takes. That's why I want to learn more about it. I've asked Sensei, but I wanted your opinion too." The first braid was complete. Izzie continued reading her book silently, and her friend kept doing her hair. It was quiet, and peaceful. She was getting tired as he finished, and being the way she is, kicking him out was not an option for her. 

"Alright, it's all done" Kirishima said, looking proud of himself. Izzie's shiny, silver hair was now done up in two braids that ran down her back, and she loved them. 

"Thank you!" Izzie replied with a smile, and put her book to the side. Kirishima could see that she was tired, and knowing her personality she wasn't gonna tell him anytime soon. 

"I gotta go get some rest, you do as well. Goodnight Bella, I'll see you tomorrow" He waved, and left. She was relieved, and turned her light on to go to bed. It wasn't long before she drifted off, and luckily for her, Izzie's dreams were nothing short of wholesome after a long day. 

The next morning was here, and Izzie was not ready for it. Really, she wanted nothing more than to curl up in a corner and read her book, but of course, she'd be dragged out of bed by Mr. Aizawa, and forces to sit out in the commons with random people she barely knew. Kirishima had told her a few things about his friends, so she at least knew them, but still, it's not enough to ease her. Finally she decided to get out of bed and be a productive human. So she took her braids out and brushed her now curly hair, then her teeth. Afterwards she put on some mascara and lip gloss, then a jacket over her tank top, because she's ✨self conscious✨

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Anyway, she was ready. Physically, she was physically ready. Mentally was a bit more complicated. It was time to go meet her classmates.

I'm sorry for the stupidly dumb funny ish parts it's 12:30 in the morning and I'm hysterical so please forgive me thank you bye 

"HOME" MHA x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя