Chapter 5- Day One, Sunday

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Today is my first official day as a UA student, but today would be an even bigger challenge. I had to sit in the commons with my classmates until noon without Sensei or Midnight. Even if I had Kirishima, it wasn't enough. Neither of my guardians are on campus today, so even if I tried I couldn't find them. Right now, I'm hiding in a corner, contemplating all my life decisions that lead up to this moment. Kirishima's gonna kill me if he finds me stalling. "IZZIE!" Oh great, there he is. 

"Kiri~" I said, still sitting in my corner. My friend opened the door, looked at me, and face palmed.

"Come on, there's food, and Sensei told me to make sure you eat something" He was wearing a grey tank top with black sweats and a plaid shirt around his waste, which made me cringe at the fact that I was severely lacking in the looks department. I don't mean it in that way, because he's gay, I'm pansexual, Yeah. "Izzie, the pancakes will be gone before you get out of your room" 

"NOT MY PANCAKES!" I groaned, and finally stood up. Kirishima started to laugh.

"Go first or I'll eat the last one" I refused, and began to walk back to my corner. 

"Go ahead, no pancakes for me" 

"NO IM SORRY!!" he pouted, "I'll go first, promise." I was reluctant to agree, because I still didn't want to go out there, knowing they'd probably bombard me with questions. I did appreciate the fact that he remembered I was supposed to eat even if Sensei told him to force feed me. 

"Can I wear your flannel?" I smirked, knowing he'd agree. 

"Come on!! You always take it!" He took his flannel off and held it tight, making me use force. 

"Come, Aura" I whispered, making a hand gesture. A small creature appeared next to me, much to Kirishima's surprise. "Your wish is my command master, what is it that you need?" A voice inside my head spoke softly. "Take the flannel" It was mine in a matter of seconds, I started to laugh. 

"Izzie...when did you start using it again..?" He mumbled, still staring at me. I forgot I hadn't told him about my training.

"I've been training with Sensei, learning how to gain better control over it" I shrugged. He was silent. "Are you mad..?" 

"No! I'm not mad! It's just that you didn't tell me!" Kirishima was quick to reply, which is usually what happens. "I'm proud of you, actually. I didn't expect you to be up on your feet so quick, you've come so far since I met you." He started to blush, which made me laugh. 

"OI! KIRISHIMA! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I remembered him, the loud one from the sports festival. However, even recognizing his voice didn't stop me from flinching. 

"Kacchan! Remember what Sensei told us?! She's sensitive to sudden movements and sounds!" I think that one is bone breaker, at least that's what recovery girl told me. He seemed nice, well, from what I've seen. 

"SHUT UP DEKU NOBODY ASKED!" Kirishima rolled his eyes, and motioned for me to follow him. "IF THAT BASTARD DOESN'T LEAVE NEW GIRL'S ROOM IN THE NEXT 5 SECONDS- oh" Loud one paused once he saw Kirishima. 

"Your wish is my command, now please, shut up" He said. I was hanging on to his wrist as the rest of the class screamed and giggled in whispers. 

"YOU ATE THAT KIRISHIMA!" Pink alien girl clutched hee stomach.

"He's gonna kill you later" Tape elbow man smirked, smacking Pikachu boy in the stomach. I saw the food, and for some reason I got really excited, and hopped over like a rabbit. 

"Jeez, someone's hungry" Kiri caught up to me, only for me to hit him. 

"You're the one forcing me to eat, I may as well be excited about it" I joked, poking him in the shoulder. 

After grabbing half of a pancake and some strawberries, I spotted a place to sit, and quickly made my way over. 

"Here, Bella, this is someone I want you to meet" Kirishima appeared with Kirby girl behind him. "Uraraka, Izzie" 

"Sorry about all the noise, it can get a little loud in here sometimes" She shrugged, 

"No it's okay, it really wasn't that bad" I mumbled, pancake in my mouth.

"You sure? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" 

"It was fine, I swear, thank you though" she gave me a grateful smile, and I let her sit next to me. "Ochako, right?" 

"Yeah, and is it Izzie or Bella? Kirishima calls you Bella, but you introduced yourself as Izzie so it's a little confusing." Ochako sipped her tea. 

"My name is Izzabella, so either is fine. They're both nicknames" 

"I just wanted to ask to make sure" She was fidgeting with her hair, clearly nervous.

"I'm sorry if I sound emotionless, I'm nervous too, it's just more difficult to show for me I guess" 

"It's okay, I was told this morning by Kirishima 'Hey you're gonna be Bella's new friend at breakfast okay?' And being the person I am I couldn't and wouldn't say no. I didn't even know what he wanted me to do" she laughed a bit, and I smiled. 

"You're doing great" I said, and she looked relieved. 

"Thank you, that's a huge weight lifted off my chest" Ochako relaxed, and sipped her tea again. I finished my pancake and strawberries, and went to put the dish away. I was grateful that nobody was paying attention to me, and seemed to be minding there own business. It gave me time to settle in, as well as observe, so that when someone wants to talk to me, I know who they are. I was also happy to have made a friend, even if she was forced into it she seemed very sweet. "Izzie, can I ask you a little question?" She said, staring at the floor. 


"What would it take for me to be as brave as you?" there was a response that I desperately wanted to say, so I let impulsive thoughts take over.

"13 years of trauma" I said, staring at my phone waiting for her reaction. It took her about 5 seconds to realize what I said. "Kidding"

"I know! It's just I was most definitely not expecting that response" she started laughing, and I couldn't help but smirk. Ochako sipped her tea again, and looked out the window, something was bothering her. 

"I remembered your face from the sports festival, I watched it while I was in recovery" I attempted to break the tension.

"Recovery?" Shoot, she doesn't know.

"Yeah, I had a bad fall and was in the hospital" She seemed suspicious of my response, but went along with it. "You did great, and got really far." 

"Thank you, I appreciate it!" Ochako smiled. I spent the rest of breakfast getting to know her, and also got to tour my surroundings. It was very helpful, and much less stressful than I thought it would be. Kirishima asked me if I felt better about my situation now, because apparently I looked like I was having fun. To tell the truth I was, but he doesn't have to know that. 

Damn this chapter is longer than usual, anyway this took days because Ive been hella busy. Bye lmao 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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