Chapter 1- Nightly Gathering

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(This takes place just before/during the Mt. Natagumo arc and after the 1-year timeskip later in the story, the Entertainment District Arc)

(Also, I didn't really know how to title this chapter, so its kinda boring and you're just gonna have to deal with it for now:< )

Nobodies POV-

"Cmon, just make this easy and give up already! We have you outnumbered by 2 to 1!" Ryu shouted at the demon, swinging his sword and taking off its arm in one swift movement. It simply laughed manaically and lunged at Ryu. 

"Dragon Breathing, First Form: Dragons Breath" Akane muttered to herself. Before the demon could lay a hand on her young brother, she had sliced its head clean off. "Good job sis!" Ryu smiled and high-fived his sister. "Thanks dude." She laughed.

Atsuki looked over his shoulder at the two after escorting the old lady who had the poor luck of being in the area away from them. "You kill it?" He asked as he walked up to them. "Oh, yeah, it wasn't too hard. It put up a fight, I may have gotten some bruises and Akane got a slash on her arm, but she killed it." Ryu shrugged. 

A crow holding a three white flowers swooped down and landed on Akane's head. "Hey lil buddy! Whatcha got there?" She asked, gently taking the flowers from its talons and petting its head. "Snowdrops! Hanako sent flowers for each of you!" It chirped. "How sweet of her!" Atsuki smiled. It jumped from her head to the floor, flapping its wings to soften the landing.

As Akane handed the flowers to the other two, Ryu asked "Did you have any message for us?" The bird preened its feathers condecendingly. "No, I came to squawk in your ear." Ryu sighed and looked at Akane. "Why does your bird hate me?" Akane laughed and put her hand on her brothers shoulder. "Ume doesn't hate you! She's just a bit... salty." 

"Back to the message-" He said, a bit frustrated. "Yes, yes, I'll get to it boy." The crow pecked at his leg. "You are to get to Butterfly Mansion and heal up as fast as possible, as our corps has heard of an attack that is to be carried out tomorrow night at a village in the west." She squawked, then flying into the night sky. "Wait, what?" Atsuki was left puzzled. "How did they find out about an attack?" Ryu put his sword back in its sheath as he spoke "Probably some dumbass demon spilled some beans by accident. They don't tend to be very bright." He chuckled.

The group walked calmly in the direction of the Mansion under the starry night sky. Luckily, Butterfly Mansion isn't far away from where they were called to, so it wasn't going to take too long. The night was quiet and a cold November chill washed over them.

"Wonder why she sent us these..." Ryu pondered, looking at the flower he held in his hands. The snowdrops petals were a pure white, and they looked quite healthy and soft. "I know why she sent you a flower~" Akane leaned on his shoulder, a smug smile spreading across her face. "Could you shut up about that for two seconds!" He groaned, shoving her to his side. "You know that it's my job as your older sister to tease you every chance I get!" She joked. 

"But, in all honesty, these are really pretty." Akane said, looking at her own. "Yeah. Hanako is just generally good at taking care of them." Atsuki shrugged. "True." 

"God, its really cold." Akane mumbled. "Thats because its late November and you're not wearing anything but the generic uniform. Not even a haori." Atsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah, where is your haori anyway?" Ryu turned around to look at her. "I HAD TO WASH IT! You know that we bleed a lot on missions."

Eventually, they arrived at the Mansion and were greeted at the door by a clearly tired Suzume. "Hey." She greeted them quietly. "Jeez, are you okay?" Ryu asked. "Not really squirt, I haven't slept in like, two days." 

𝑾𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓- A Demon Slayer fanfic/oc storyWhere stories live. Discover now