Chapter 3 (pt 2)- Keiko

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(5 month timeskip)

(Also, warning for a few gory descriptions. Nothing too bad i hope. Don't say I didn't warn you)

Keiko's POV-

"C'mon, pick up the pace! I know you can do this, just focus!" Arisu cheered from the side as I slashed down each strange amalgamation of flesh and muscle that Kurai made emerge from the floor.

Kurai was a demon friend of mine, probably 15 or 16 years old. He had an interesting Blood Demon Art, he could make distorted creatures made of things that looked like flesh and stuff that would consume people. It was kind of gross, but I got used to it. He would help me train by making me practice my swordsmanship on those.

I twisted and twirled my sword, slashing the creatures and bringing them down one by one though more and more popped up each second. Eventually, my arms started getting tired and I collapsed onto the floor. "Can you chill for a second?" I asked, staring up at the trees. We would usually train in the forest at night and some dirt got in my hair when I laid down.

I stabbed my sword into the ground and sighed. "You're doing really well. Three forms down already, even if they need perfecting, that's progress." Arisu said, getting up from the tree stump she was sat on. "Muzan will be very, very happy if the mission goes well." She smiled. "Everyone keeps talking up this mission, have you planned this for long?" Kurai asked Arisu, walking over to lay down next to me. 

"Yeah, mostly me and the other lower ranks." Arisu said as she stared up at the summer night sky. "Cool. Its gonna be insane, I can't wait for the feast!!" Kurai seemed really pumped up and excited about it.

Well, I  wasn't all that happy. But, hey, you gotta help out people who helped you, right? Also, I was kinda hungry myself. Every now and then Kurai brought me back some food from his missions, usually torsos or something and its cool, but I sleep more than I eat, so maybe it'll be nice... maybe.

I glanced up at the shimmering stars. Soon. Soon we would attack and I would impress Muzan. "So, heres the plan." Arisu smiled. "Me and a lotta others will come in from the west and you two with a few of my guys, the east. And kinda just... go feral I guess." 

I started to think and my thoughts grew into anxieties. "What if the Demon Slayers find us?" I asked. Kurai grinned sadistically and slung his arm over my shoulder. "Its simple. Just deflect their attacks and its dinnertime!" 

"I don't think I'm ready for that. This is an attack on a village, they might send their higher ranks after us!" I replied, shoving him away. "Then I'll protect you dude. Don't worry though, I'll save some of the weaklings for ya." 

Arisu walked over to us and gave us a big hug. "You're gonna do amazing. Now c'mon, let's get going. We don't have all night!" She grabbed us both by the arm and started running northwards.


Me and Kurai were stood in the murky corners an old abandoned shop amidst about 17 other demons. We and the other demons had agreed. One would holler from a rooftop and that was our signal to attack. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, but at the same time, something in the pit of my stomach churned. Was this right?

Then, we heard it. What sounded like a mix between a howl and a scream. My heart skipped a beat and in a flash, we all poured outside. It all happened so fast, I could barely process anything. I saw Kurai from the corner of my eyes. He was laughing and held up someone's corpse in his hand. The crackling of fire could be heard from a distance and screams echoed around. 

I decided I should start doing my job and quickly stowed away to another shop. About five people stood in there and something took over me. I looked them in the eyes and felt the adrenaline rush to my hands and my feet. I could smell their blood. It became a bit fuzzy from there, but I remember immediately going for a man in the corner of the shop.

His eyes, wide like saucers, welled up and he muttered pathetically. "Please! I- I have a family!" But at the time, it didn't matter to me. My claws peirced his chest and within seconds, he was gone. Blood leaked across the floor and through the cracks of the wooden planks and his eyes drained of any semblance of life. Everyone else there had frozen. One tried to run, but I stopped her at the door. I held her up by the collar of her kimono and before she said a word, she had spat up blood from my sword piercing her chest. Something in the back of my mind told me this is how it should be. Hunt to survive, kill to live.

The rest in the shop seemed to regain their sense of logic, because they quickly ran out, screaming. I didn't care, as the moment they left, more tearing sounds and screaming could be heard. Since nobody was left here, I left, slamming the door shut behind me, a faint metallic smell wafting through the air.

And it went like that for about 4 more minutes. I must've killed about 10 people. I watched the light leave their eyes again and again, feeding the bloodthirsty monster inside me, leaving them half-eaten on the ground. My hair had faded into a pale white once more and my eyes blacked out. It was after those minutes that I found another. A small girl, hidden behind a cart. I cornered her but stared into her eyes. She was sobbing, blood splattered on her clothes.

This was wrong. This was wrong, this was wrong, this was so so wrong. No. She held out her hands in front of her face, begging for mercy. I fell to my knees. What had I been doing? What had I been thinking? Why can't I just enjoy the thrill of the hunt like a regular demon? 

"Run." I uttered just loud enough for her to hear. She looked up at me. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME, I SAID RUN! BEFORE YOU GET KILLED. GO, LEAVE!!!" I screamed, so loud my throat hurt. My vision was warped with tears, but I saw her get up and run through the blur.

I replaced where she once was, cowering behind the cart. The screams that continued to echo clogged my brain, scratching at it like nails against glass. I was a monster.

Then I heard a yell. A familiar yell. Kurai. "The Slayers are here!" He screamed into the night. The shouts of the humans were soon replaced with those of demons. The mood changed. We were no longer predators, we were prey.

My breathing became faster and faster, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to think. I pushed myself up against the cart and prayed they wouldn't find me. Then another yell caught my attention. "Keiko!!! Where are you?!" 


Hello hello, silk moths and pumpkins♡

So, here's part two of chapter three, I hope you loved it!

I love how I said at the start that the updates would be inconsistent and proceeded to update a fvking month later (I'm so so sorry)

So, here is some info on Arisu:

"Arisu was a woman revered in her village for being beautiful. She heavily valued purity and kindness and though people would treat her like some sort of higher being and were very sweet, she saw how horrible they were to each other. This made her grow a hatred for people and when Muzan approached her, she gladly accepted his offer of becoming a demon.

She has two blood demon arts, Pheromones and Changeling. Pheromones allows her to release mists that make people trust her or sleepy depending on what she chooses and she used these to coerce Keiko to follow her, not because she wanted her to be a demon, but because she didn't want Muzan sending another demon who would definitely hurt her if she resisted.

Changeling allows her to change her appearance to resemble different animals, much like the deer she changed into when she met Keiko.

She sees Keiko as a daughter to her and tries keeping her safe from the other demons, who are very violent and irrational. She takes delight in eating humans and tries keeping as graceful as possible, even when killing them, usually by quick stabs directly to the heart and keeping the blood to a minimum."

So that's it about her!! I quite like her character and I sure do hope nothing happens to her in the future hahahahahahahahhhhh

Why do I torture my OCs like this?


Well, some of you probably thought that she was not to be trusted but you can trust her, she really isn't that bad. The only truly bad thing about her is that she... eats people, BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW :))))))))

Anyway, thats all for now, so ill see you next chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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𝑾𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓- A Demon Slayer fanfic/oc storyWhere stories live. Discover now