Redeem me, (Korekiyo's arc)

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But call it foolish desperation, I can't just have Korekiyo leave! I can't accept an ending like this.

You have to understand, Korekiyo!

I stood, my knees trembled when I pushed myself to stand from the ground.

My legs felt numb as I chased after him, I grabbed the hem of his uniform.

Even his uniform was created by his sister, it was his prized possession and to touch it meant blasphemy to Korekiyo who worshipped his sister all these years.

He stopped, he glanced at me with dulled yellow eyes. It was even harder to read him now, now that his eyes conceals everything I would like to hear. 

"Korekiyo, please-" I began to speak, I began to beg once again, to beg for his redemption.

My heart was racing, I was determined to save him with everything, even if it means I have to kneel, even if it means I have to face your wrath.

His amber eyes remained cold and unmoving, he looked at me as if I was a scum, the lowest of the low and everything I am saying and will say… would just be rendered useless because his heart is closed.

But I continued, I resisted, "-your sister abused you… you may not know this but I've dreamed of you for years, I've seen fractions of your life, some incomplete, some obscure to make sense of but I know you've been abused," 

Korekiyo shut his eyes and looked away, I followed his gaze and saw how conflicted he was, he wasn't emotionless… he simply didn't know how to communicate his emotions.

"I.. I…" Korekiyo stuttered, he turned to me, "My.. sister, she…" she what? She abused you, she was wrong, she isn't wrong, she loved you? What is it, Korekiyo? 

His eyes lowered down. He didn't finish his words. It was an internal battle between the truth and the love he always kept in his heart but the real question is… what will win? 

I grabbed his hands, "Korekiyo, please, answer me… please, it hurts me… I have loved you all those years I spent dreaming of you and now that I have finally known it was you, Korekiyo.. how could I just sleep again and let you torment yourself?" 

He didn't answer, his shoulder shook and I knew he could only cry.

I held his hands near my face, "Korekiyo, would you…rather want me to leave? I… I… can never understand a love that transcends morality… I may be a spirit medium, I see things beyond the naked eye but why is that I can't see what made you this way and even-" I looked at his back, "-your sister,"

Dead people normally clings to their last memory and if those dreams proved to be true then Korekiyo's sister would surely attach herself to her brother. 



He slowly raised his head to look at me, his eyes… looked helpless and exhausted. 

"Please, don't give me silence,"

Korekiyo took a deep breath, "I… I want to be free, I want to be free from her. She… she made me do terrible things… and I can't… forget that it hurts… to know the truth of it all now and it… scares me, that I don't know what to do with this.. newfound freedom… and… and-"

"Please, help me," A voice spoke from Korekiyo's behind, it was a voice that seemed to belong to a woman.

I slowly looked at Korekiyo's back, only to find a dark mist surrounding him. It wasn't a mist caused by nature, it was a shapeless soul that attached itself to Korekiyo. 

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