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When I went unconscious I had vivid dreams of 8 guys. One of the guys was a little boy who looked about 2. One of my dreams was of a guy and me getting married and one of the guy abusing me. In that dream I was screaming for help but no one came to help. The last dream I had was the little boy saying he hated me. When I woke up all I felt was hatred for those 7 men and little boy. I looked around to familiar surroundings. I was in a comfortable bed in a plain white room. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out and went to the closet, a red shirt with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, a red beanie, and red knee length converse. I walked out of the room and bumped into Courtney. She said,

"Good morning Ali. How are you today?"

"Well I feel weird. I had these weird dreams about 7 guys and a little boy. One of the guys was my son I think and another is my husband. In one of the dreams I saw mine and his wedding and after that he was abusing me. The last dream was my son saying he hated me."

I burst out crying and Courtney came over to me and pulled me into a hug. She said,

"It's ok Ali. Everything is going to be fine. We will get revenge on those boys who mistreated you. In fact I have a mission for you."

"Ok what is it?"

"Well you know the guy that you think is your husband? Well I want you to go back to him and pretend that you still love him so one day we can take him down and the rest of his friends."

"What I don't think I can. Courtney please I don't think I can do it."

"Ali you got this. You are not going to be the only one there. I'll have one of the other girls go with you to make sure you're ok."

"Well ok. Well if I'm going to do this you have to remind me who these people."

"Ok. The the little boy that you think is your son is Bronx Wentz, your husband is Pete Wentz. The guy with the fedora is Patrick Stump, the one with many tattoos is Andy Hurly, and the with the puffy hair is Joe Trohman. The other 3 guys are Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, and Dallon Weekes, they makeup the band 'Panic! At the Disco'. You are apart of the band and you play bass."

"Ok so what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I want you to pretend to still be in love with Pete. Also stay in the band. Oh you are also on tour."

"Ok when do you want me to leave?"

"Whenever you want. Go pack and get ready. Oh by the way you love music even though you don't. You just have to get through it. Remember to call or text me every night to let me know what's going on."

"Ok well I'll be right back."

I went to my room and packed everything I needed. I went out to find Courtney and saw she was talking to another girl.

"Oh Ali I want you to meet Elizabeth. She will be going with you to make sure you are ok."

"Hi Elizabeth."

"Hi Ali. You can call me Beth for short."

"Ok well lets go."

"Oh Ali if the guys ask who I am say I'm a distant cousin that you haven't seen in a while and you wanted me to come on the rest of tour with you."


After that we said bye to Courtney and left. Beth drove to this big stadium. It was packed. Beth said,

"Just tell the guys you came over to my house to hangout. They should believe that."


Then we walked to the stadium. I was freaking out and Beth had to calm me down because if she didn't I was going to have a panic attack. That's when 3 guys came out running towards me.

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