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When I woke up I noticed that someone was laying beside me. I rolled over and saw it was William. He was awake and said,

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning handsome"

"What do you want to do today?"

"I want to go see my best friend Brendon. Would it be ok if I turned him?"

"Yes the more the marry. We will go out tonight."

"Ok so what do you want to do till we go out tonight?"

"First lets eat breakfast. Then we can do whatever. Well let's go."

We head down to the dinning room. When we get there I notice there was a ton of vampires. When we walk in all of the vampires stopped what they were doing and clapped. I looked at William and he just smiled. He said,

"You are their queen, since I am their king. We are also known as the Dandies."

William and I take our seats and everything resumes around us. I think I had about 3 glasses of blood as did William. Soon it was time to leave. Before we left I went up and took a shower. After I picked out a cute outfit. I wore a red t-shirt, a black leather jacket, black skinnies, a red beanie, and red knee high converse. I headed down to meet William. We ran to where my band was. I told William,

"You wait out here ok?"


I walked on to the tour bus. I called out to the guys. Brendon walked out and said,

"Hey Ali what you been up to?"

"Oh nothin much. I wanted to ask you something."

"What do you need to ask me?"

"Do you want to live forever?"

"Yeah but that can never happen."

"Yes it can. I'm a vampire I'm immortal."

I then showed him my fangs. He was shocked but he looked like he wasn't scared.

"Now my question again. Do you want to live forever?"

"Yes please do it Ali."

"Ok remember after I turn you, you will have to come with me."

"Ok just do it."

"Follow me. We can't do it here, I could get caught."


We headed out to where William was. I nodded and told Brendon to jump on my back. Then we ran to William's mansion. I led Brendon to my bedroom and told him to lay on my bed. He obeyed. I went over to him and he bared his neck to me. I leaned in and dug my fangs into his neck. I almost gave in to the blood lust bit stopped and just turned him. He groaned when I got off of him. He then went unconscious. I went to find William. I found him and said,

"Will it's done."

"Great you didn't feed on him did you?"

"I almost did but I stopped before I did."

"Very good. Go and wait for him to awake. After he wakes lead him to the dinning hall. Just a question do you like him? Be honest."

"Yes but I also like you. Please let me have him and you can have me."

"Ali I knew you liked him. That's the reason I let you turn him. You just have to be with me durning the day and at night you can have him. Ok?"

"Ok well I'll talk to you later."

"Talk to you later."

With that I was gone in a flash. I went back to Brendon and waited for him to wake up.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I have been working on a different story with my best friend UmbreonLuver go check it out and check out her stories she's been working on.


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